Israeli-Palestinian conflict WWII-Present
1947 UN Partition Plan The newly created United Nations approved the UN Partition Plan on November 29, 1947, ________the country into two states, one Arab and one Jewish. ________ was to be designated an international city. The ________ community accepted the plan, but the ____________ rejected it. Regardless, the State of _____ was proclaimed on May 14, 1948.
1948 Arab Israeli War Not long after, five Arab countries – Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq – attacked Israel, launching the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. After a year of fighting, a ceasefire was declared and temporary borders, were established. Jordan annexed what became known as the_____ ______ and East Jerusalem Egypt took control of the _________ _________.
Jewish Immigration During the Arab Israeli War about 80% of the previous Arab population, ____ Israel (Palestinians fled). mass immigration of Holocaust survivors and an influx of _________. The population of Israel rose from 800,000 to two million between 1948 and 1958.
Israel’s Shocking Success in the 6 Days War (1967) Egypt, Syria, and Jordan massed troops close to Israeli borders, expelled UN peacekeepers and blocked Israel's access to the Red Sea. ________saw these actions as reason for a pre-emptive strike The war lasted just ___ days and Israel achieved a decisive victory in which it captured the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Sinai _________ and Golan Heights. Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in 1979
Today In 1992, Israel and the PLO, signed the Oslo Accords, which gave the Palestinian National Authority (Palestinians) the right to ____-_______ parts of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip In 2001 Israel unilaterally withdrew from the Gaza Strip and also started the construction of the Israeli West Bank _______ (still under construction).
Israeli Palestinian Impact Before the creation of Israel in 1948, few Arabs thought of themselves as members of a ___________ of nations with a common ______________. Arabs questioned Israel’s right to the land. Suddenly, the ________ world shared a goal—driving the Israelis (Jews) out.
One reason why many Arab (Muslim) nations are against the United States & Europe Many Arab nations Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. (Muslims) want ______ out of Israel and the land given to the Palestinians (also _____________). The United States and Europe have consistently supported _______ (Jews). Therefore, the ______ and Europe are seen as allies of the enemy by many Arab nations.
Sources Our World Today—People Places and Issues, Glencoe McGraw-Hill pp