Scientific Measurement 7th Grade Science Mr. Liggett
Why is measurement so important in science? Measurement in science can come in many different forms. All these measurements give us different ways to describe what we see. Measurements are ACURATE and PRECISE Which statement is more useful? The rock is big OR the rock is 13.9 grams Explain your reason
How can we measure things? We can measure distance (how far apart is it?) We can measure area and volume (how much space does it take up?) We can measure mass (how much matter does it have?) We can measure density (how tightly packed is the matter?)
What tools can we use to measure? Rulers and Tape Measurers (distance, area and volume) Graduated Cylinder (volume of liquids, density) Triple Beam Balance (mass)
Self-Check #1 Why is measurement so important in science? What are some ways that we can measure things? What types of tools can we use to measure objects?
Distance How would you describe distance? Distance is the amount of space in between two points on a straight line.
How do we measure distance? Tool: Ruler, Tape Measurer, Meter Stick Label: ALWAYS USE METRIC (millimeter, centimeter, meter)
Measuring Tips: Distance Remember, distance is the length from one point to another. Always put the zero on the first point. BE CAREFUL, some rulers have a zero that does not start on the end.
Perimeter Perimeter is the distance AROUND and object. To find perimeter, simply add up the sides of an object (P= 2l + 2w) Try it out!
Area Area is the amount of space INSIDE a 2D object (Think about the space on a floor) Area Formula A = l x w (Area equals length times width) All area labels must be squared. For example: a rectangle with centimeters (cm) must have an area of centimeters squared (cm2)
Area: Try It Out!!
What is volume? Volume is the amount of space in a 3D object Any object that is 3D has a volume Volumes can come in solids, liquids and gases
What units are used to measure volume Liquid volumes are usually measured in liters or milliliters Another way to measure volume is through cubic measurements (m3, cm3) Think of it this way, volumes are 3D, so you used the raised 3
How can I measure volume? If the object is a regular solid, you can use the following formula: Volume equal length times width times height V = l x w x h (V=lwh) Just like area, except it has a 3rd dimension
Try it out!!
What if the volume is a liquid? If the volume is a liquid, we need to use a tool like the graduated cylinder Simply look for the water line, we call it the meniscus It looks like this ---------