CEA Bruyères-le-chatel, April 27, 2009 SPIRAL2 at GANIL SPIRAL2 Phase 1 and Phase 2 New equipment at SPIRAL2 DESIR facility DESIR physics programme Safety.


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Presentation transcript:

CEA Bruyères-le-chatel, April 27, 2009 SPIRAL2 at GANIL SPIRAL2 Phase 1 and Phase 2 New equipment at SPIRAL2 DESIR facility DESIR physics programme Safety around DESIR Bertram Blank CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan

Phase 1 Accelerator S3 NFS DESIR RIB PRODUCTION Phase 2 Existing GANIL facility

Spins&Shapes Position of drip-lines Position of drip-lines N=Z rp-process Heavy and Super Heavy Elements Heavy and Super Heavy Elements r-process path Haloes & Structures in the Continuum Equation of State Role of Isospin Equation of State Role of Isospin Spins & Shapes Shell structure far from stability Shell structure far from stability Neutrons for science Atomic & solid state physics Radiobiology & Isotope production Neutrons for science Atomic & solid state physics Radiobiology & Isotope production ISOSPIN DEGREES OF FREEDOM IN NUCLEAR FORCES ISOSPIN DEGREES OF FREEDOM IN NUCLEAR FORCES

Particle Array Gamma Array AGATA PARIS GASPARD FAZIA EXOGAM 2 ACTAR NFS S3S3 DESIR : 19 Letters of Intent, 600 physicists from 34 countries : TDR for big instrumentation at SPIRAL2

DESIR Low-energy beams from: S1, S2, S3 S3 Production building SPIRAL2 (S2) GANIL – SPIRAL1 (S1)

Projectile or target fragmentation at 95 MeV/A main interest: very neutron- and proton-rich light nuclei 1+  n+

Fission, fusion evaporation, DIC main interest: - fission products - medium-mass proton-rich nuclei UCx 2H2H IS UCxIS HI n 2H2H Target 2H2H IS n Target IS Converter

LISOL Gas catcher Fusion-evaporation reactions at Coulomb Barrier, DIC main interest: - very heavy nuclei - N=Z nuclei - very short-lived isotopes - refractory elements

… all elements available from S3

to DESIR Identification station to CIME RFQ-HRS m/  m = 20000

Optical studies for double HRS are under way: aim is m/  m = for 2  mm mrad to DESIR Identification station to CIME RFQ-HRS Teresa Kurtukian Nieto, CENBG

Length = 70 cm Radius = 3mm Florian Duval, Gilles Ban, Dave Lunney

Gas : Helium at mbar ΔE ≈ 0.18eV (before re- acceleration)

Without gas : 12 π.mm.mradHelium at mbar : 4.75 π.mm.mrad keV → ≈ 1 60keV Still under investigation : –RF heating –Residual gas effect outside the RFQ section –Charge-exchange process

Laser room (mezzanine) Meeting room (on top of DAQ) Kitchen + WC (on top of CR) MLL trap Collinear Laser spectroscopy  -NMR RFQ bun- cher Penning trap + Decay setup Paul trap General purpose SAS Electronics Desk Access 5 m Beam from Level -1 TAS Neutron ditch Crane access to basement Double MOT General purpose IS Identification station with tape LN2 Gas & waste storage LUMIERE BESTIOL DAQ room Control room off-line source 2 off-line source 1

Supply Electri- city Gray Room 2 Gray Room 1 Assembly Room 3 Control Racks Interfaces HV supplies Crane access to basement Stor- age 1 Assembly Room 2 Assembly Room 1 Stor- age 2 Radio lab 5 m storage Limits of DESIR hall free Beam from Production building, S3 and SPIRAL1 Work shop X Identification and radioprotection measurements Neutron ditch

RFQ SHIRAC:Gilles Ban HRS: Bertram Blank DESIR building:Franck Delalee General purpose ion buncher GPIB + stable ion sources: Pierre Delahaye Identification station:Philippe Dessagne Beam transport lines: Francois Le Blanc Safety and security:Jean-Charles Thomas Command / Control, diagnostics:Stéphane Grévy

submitted on December 19, 2008 presented to SPIRAL2 SAC on January 29, 2009 strongly supported by SPIRAL2 SAC…. about 100 pages of technical description of DESIR facility and its equipment co-signed by 111 physicists and engineers of 15 countries contains a general description of buildings and interfaces description of major installations like traps, spectroscopy setups etc report available on DESIR web page (

Collinear Laser spectroscopy: - spins - magnetic moments - quadrupole moments - change of charge radii  -NMR spectroscopy: - nuclear gyromagnetic factor - quadrupole moment N=50, N=64, N=82, … Microwave double resonance in a Paul trap: - hyperfine anomaly and higher order momenta (octupole and hexadecapole deformation) Eu, Cs, Au, Rn, Fr, Ra, Am …. LUMIERE Laser tilisation for Measurement and Laser Utilisation for Measurement and Ionization of Exotic Radioactive Elements F. Le Blanc,Orsay G. Neyens, Leuven P. Campbell, Manchester

Atomic hyperfine structure Interaction between an orbital e - (J) and the atomic nucleus (I,  I,Q S )  results in a hyperfine splitting (HFS) of the e - energy levels J n F  E HFS with  Hyperfine structure constants: and  Collinear laser spectroscopy:   /   ~ 10 -2,  Q S /Q S ~ for heavy elements

Isotope shift measurements Frequency shift between atomic transitions in different isotopes of the same chemical element  related to the mass and size differences J1, F 1 J2, F 2 J1, F 1 J2, F 2  A,A ’  mean square charge radius variations with a precision ~  study of nuclei shape (deformation)

 -NMR spectroscopy  -asymmetry in the decay of polarized nuclei in a magnetic field  Zeeman splitting related to g I and Q S I M +I M -I  resonant destruction of the polarization (i.e.  -asymmetry) by means of an additional RF magnetic field withand B0B0   g I /g I ~ 10 -3,  Q S /Q S ~  complementary technique to collinear laser spectroscopy  suitable for light elements (low Q S values)

Decay studies with halo nuclei Clustering studies in light nuclei  -delayed charged-particle emission: e.g. proton-proton correlation Super-allowed  decays and the standard model of electro-weak interaction Deformation and Gamow-Teller distribution 2n correlations, P n and nuclear structure (r-process)... BESTIOL BESTIOL BEta decay STudies at the SPIRAL2 IsOL facility TETRA, Y. Penionzhkevich (Dubna) TAS, J.L. Tain (Valencia)  setup, B. Blank (Bordeaux) M.J.G. Borge, Madrid

within the SM x : Fermi fraction;  : GT/F mixing ratio beyond the SM  contains quadratic S and T contributions  angular correlation requires to measure the recoil ion +  particle Search for exotic interactions O. Naviliat-Cuncic et al., LPC Caen e+e+ e nucleus 

 V ud 0+0+ = (22) V us K = (21) V ub B = (47)  = (79) s (61) CVC, CKM, exotic currents: 0+  0+  decays Measurements: - Q value - T 1/2 - branching ratios J.C. Hardy et al.

Study of GT strength via  -delayed proton decay: 21 Mg Counts Energy (keV) Experiment Theory 21 Mg J.C. Thomas

Mirror symmetry studies  = 4.8 (4) %  + : p → n + e + + E.C. : p + e - → n + np ft + Average asymmetry  : 11 (1) % in the 1p shell (A<17) 0 (1) % in the (2s,1d) shell (17<A<40)  Allowed Gamow-Teller transitions (log(ft)<6)  17 couples of nuclei  46 mirror transitions  - : n → p + e - + np ft -  =  nuc +  SCC J.C. Thomas et al. (GANIL/CENBG)

MLLTRAP High-accuracy mass measurements - unitarity of CKM matrix (V ud ): 50 Mn, 54 Co with  M/M~ transuranium isotopes (beams from S 3 ): M(Z>102) In-trap spectroscopy: - conversion electron and  spectroscopy: shape coexistence Trap-assisted spectroscopy -  decay studies of isomerically pure radioactive species P. Thirolf, Munich Set-up being installed at MLL/Garching

Physics case and possible key experiments High-accuracy mass measurements - unitarity of CKM matrix (V ud ): superallowed  emitter  measure e.g. 50 Mn, 54 Co with  m/m~ mass measurements of transuranium isotopes (beams from S 3 ): m(Z>102) - precision studies on fundamental constants: e.g. molar Planck constant N A. h  mass difference measurement + capture  ’s (from ILL) In-trap spectroscopy:  exploit carrier-free sample in trap for ultimate resolution: - conversion electron and  spectroscopy: E0 decays (> shape coexistence) - ‘shake-off‘ electrons from  and conversion decay in heavy isotopes:  2 + lifetimes, quadrupole moments of heavy nuclei Trap-assisted spectroscopy  tape station behind Penning trap -  decay studies of isomerically pure radioactive species

KVI atomic trapping facility New limits on scalar and tensor contributions in the weak interaction New limits on time-reversal violation in beta decay Systematic of atomic parity non-conservation in a long isotopic chain H. Wilschut, Groningen Experimental set-up at KVI

with polarization  correlation: MOT + RIMS +  detector TOF  E // X,Y  E  MeV  detector MCP -V 0 +V 0 0 SM Not SM start Without polarization

DESIR: 29 weeks of RIB/year: 10 weeks of RIB from SPIRAL2, 4 weeks from S3, 15 weeks from SPIRAL1 DESIR: 29 weeks of RIB/year: 10 weeks of RIB from SPIRAL2, 4 weeks from S3, 15 weeks from SPIRAL1 Standard planning; one production cave

SAFETY REQUIREMENTS DESIR building + beam lines to DESIR : green zones on and off operation -> controlled accesses -> activity confinement and monitoring (external exposure dose rate + inhalation risks) -> limited impact on the environment -> impact evaluation prior to experiments -> technical solutions to limit the risks

The Dose rate issue (DeD) working area: DeD < 7.5 µSv/h < 2 mSv/year/worker temporary working area (< 10 min): DeD < 100 µSv/h RIB from S1: (10 8 pps 19 Ne) -> definitely an issue but: short lifetime and temporary shielding can be mounted (30 cm air + 30 cm concrete) RIB from S2: can be an issue if long-lived and produced at high yields + contaminants RIB from S3: I < 10 6 pps, N~Z nuclei : can be an issue depending on the selectivity

Accidental activity release (inhalation risks) Example of 131 I: T 1/2 = 8.02 d LPCA = 400 Bq/m 3 assuming a 100 % release at room temperature -> Considering a release volume of 10*10*5 m 3 = 500 m 3, A( 131 I) MAX = 2.E+05 Bq i.e. A( 131 I) MAX = 2.4E+06 pps for 1 day of implantation For any RIB presenting inhalation risks: induced LPCA in Bq/m 3 associated with a dose limitation (20 mSv for 2000 h and 1.2 m 3 /h inhalation) DESIR safety requirement : released activity cooling to be considered)

132 Sn only In target yield (10 14 f/s) to V = 500 m 3 Collection time I MAX (pps) for 1 LPCA Cooling time to reach 0.01 LPCA 1 d8.5E+0622 d Beam intensity limitation ~10 5

Phase I Phase II

RFQ: on-going tests, study of “nuclearisation”, study of final version of RFQ HRS: detailed optical study of new ALPHA version, detailed mechanical study beam lines: preliminary design, cost estimate, detailed design study stable ion sources: definition, purchase GPIB: study and construction Identification station: preliminary design, detailed design, construction DESIR building: like SPIRAL2 Phase 2 construction program…. decision about construction at latest mid 2010 ……