VO Applications Enrique Solano LAEFF / INTA
Move from download to service paradigm Leave the data where it is. Operations on data (search, cluster analysis, etc) as services. Ship the results not the data. ESO/ST-ECF Science Archive ESO/ST-ECF Science Archive (x100 in the next 7 years) LSST: LSST: Few TBs/night. (A factor of 1000 larger than current surveys). The solutions provided by VO to solve the data avalanche New analysis tools: Remote access to the data with a performance similar to that obtained if they were local.
IVOA interest group: Applications IVOA interest group: Applications
Tabular Information: VOPlot Java applet developed by VO-India
VOPlot: Functionalities Data display.
VOPlot: Functionalities Column manipulation
VOPlot: Functionalities Filtering
VOPlot: Functionalities Statistics:
VOPlot: Associated utilities VOConvert:
a Java viewer and editor for tabular data Tabular Information: TOPCAT
TOPCAT: Functionalities not included in VOPLOT A wider variety of I/O formats
TOPCAT: Functionalities not included in VOPLOT Concatenation of tables
TOPCAT. Functionalities not included in VOPLOT Match of tables
TOPCAT. Functionalities not included in VOPLOT 3-D plots and density maps.
TOPCAT. Functionalities not included in VOPLOT Stacked lines: plots vertically displaced sharing the same abscissa.
TOPCAT. Functionalities not included in VOPLOT ConeSearch: Displays a number of cone search services obtained from a VO registry) and allows to interrogate them.
ALADIN Interactive sky atlas. Java
ALADIN: New functionalities
PLASTIC PLatform for AStronomical Tool InterConnection Protocol that allows applications to communicate with each other.
ALADIN: PLASTIC connection with TOPCAT All tools communicating with a central 'hub' process,
ALADIN: PLASTIC connection with TOPCAT
Interactive sky atlas. Java Use external Grid enabled Web Service Tools