World Cultures – 6 th Grade 1 st 3 Weeks Test Review
Vocabulary Culture – consists of the beliefs, customs, laws, art, and ways of living that a group of people share Culture trait – each kind of food, clothing, or technology, each belief, language, or tool shared by a culture Culture Region – an area of the world in which many people share similar beliefs, history, and language Absolute Location – the exact spot on Earth where a place can be found Latitude lines – lines that run parallel to the equator
Longitude lines – lines that run between the north and south poles Relative location – the location of place in relation to other places Cartographer – a mapmaker Thematic maps – maps that focus on one specific idea or theme (population map etc…) Map projections – ways of showing Earth’s curved surface on a flat map (projections always distorted) Landforms – features of Earth’s surface such as mountains, valleys, and plateaus Glacier – thick sheet of ice that moves slowly across land
Erosion – the wearing away of soil by rivers, wind, and rain Immigrant – someone who chooses to move to a new country Anasazi (Ancient Ones) – Native Americans first to immigrate to North America Citizenship – a combination of the rights and duties of a citizen Democracy – rule of the people Republic – people have power but rule through elected officials U.S. Constitution – the basis for U.S. law Constitutional Amendment – a change or addition to the constitution
Bill of Rights – lists specific freedoms guaranteed to every U.S. citizen Limited Government – government power is limited/the people have a voice Unlimited Government – the leaders have almost total power eg. dictators
Five Themes of Geography 1)Location – where something is 2)Place – what is it like (crowded, climate, language) 3)Region – a group of places that have physical features or human characteristics or both in common 4)Movement – how people, goods, and ideas move from one place to another 5)Human-Environment Interaction – interaction between human beings and their environment (farming, building roads, pollution, etc…)
First Five Groups of Immigrants: 1.Native Americans – eg. Anasazi (Ancient Ones) lived in cliff dwellings 2.Europeans 3.Africans 4.Irish 5.Chinese
Duties of Citizens: 1.Pay Taxes 2.Cast an Informed Vote 3.Serve on Juries 4.Serve in the Military 5.Community Service 6.Obey Laws
3 Branches of Government: 1.Legislative Branch – Congress made of the House of Representatives and the Senate – Make the Laws 2.Executive Branch – President – enforces laws, commander in chief of the armed forces, and foreign affairs 3.Judicial Branch – Federal Courts & Supreme Court – interpret laws and makes sure they are constitutional