Engineers Make a World of Difference Section /Region Awards Training Maureen Masiulis Chair FY15
Agenda General Information Awards Overview How To Apply Benefits of Applying Tips to Winning Changes to the Awards Award Details Questions
General Information All submissions are to be submitted ELECTRONICALLY For each award your organization applies, a separate application must be submitted. The submission deadline is July 1, 11:59 pm CDT. Awards will be presented in October at WE15 in Nashville, TN. Incomplete packages or those that exceed the requirements will be removed from consideration.
Awards Overview Communication Awards Collegiate Sections, Professional Sections, MAL Regions, International Affiliates, Regions Multicultural Awards Motorola Foundation Multicultural Award: Professional Sections, MAL Region, International Affiliates The Boeing Company Multicultural Award Collegiate Sections
Awards Overview Membership Awards Collegiate Transition Collegiate Sections, Professional Sections, MAL Regions, International Affiliates Collegiate to Career: Collegiate Sections (Small, Medium, Large) Region Membership: Regions Membership Retention Program Collegiate and Professional Sections (large, medium, small), MAL Regions, International Affiliates Membership Recruitment Program Collegiate and Professional Sections (large, medium, small), MAL Regions, International Affiliates
Awards Overview Outreach Awards Event/Series Collegiate & Professional Sections, MALs, International Affiliates MOU Partnership Award Collegiate & Professional Sections, MALs, International Affiliates Parent and Educator Program Collegiate & Professional Sections, MALs, International Affiliates Professional Development Awards Program/Event Collegiate & Professional Sections, MALs, International Affiliates
How To Apply Go to section section Download awards packets Review all awards Choose awards for which your organization qualifies Follow all instructions Submit using the application tool by award deadline Links on next page and in the awards packet
Communications - Women-Engineers Women-Engineers Membership - Engineers Engineers Multicultural - Engineers Engineers Outreach - Engineers Engineers PD - How to Apply Create User Name & Password or login with existing account Preview the application Start a new application Revisit Existing Application notifications such as incomplete package reminders
Benefits of Applying Recognition of Outstanding Activities Sharing Best Practices Possible Cash Grants* *Cash Grants vary annually and funds available will be distributed at the discretion of the Board of Directors
Tips to Winning APPLY! APPLY! APPLY! Follow award instructions. Fulfill guidelines/report content and judging criteria This includes word counts and information regarding attachments Ask Questions if you don’t understand a requirement!! The awards committee is here to help Submit by the deadline.
Changes to the Awards Clarified what SWE organizations are available for each award (i.e. MAL, Collegiate Section, Professional Section, Region, International) Use of Application Tool vice Survey Monkey and
Awards - Communication These awards recognize Collegiate, Professional, Member-At- Large (MAL) Regions, International Affiliates and Regions that have developed the best communications program to inform and develop its members and the general public Communications Award now includes all forms; brochures, web pages, newsletters (printed & web), blogs, podcasts, social media, CD’s, etc. Judging Basis 25% External Activities 25% Internal Activities 40% Membership Involvement / Results of the Program 10% Alignment* * Alignment Criteria – Points will be awarded to programs that provide consistent look and feel with SWE Society publication, programs that use the templates and procedures provided for press releases, and proper use of the logo and tagline.
Awards – Membership (Collegiate Transition) Sections (Collegiate and Professional), MAL Regions and International affiliates who have the best collegiate transition program and sponsored the largest number of paid collegiate transitions by June 30 th of the current fiscal year. Judging Basis Collegiate 50% Transition Program/Event –Membership Involvement, Creativity 50% Transition Score Transition score = (Transitions/Base)*100 Base = total paid members who are graduating students as of June 30 th of prior fiscal year Professional, MAL and International 80% Program/Event –Membership Involvement, Creativity, Reach (number of events,, number of collegiates (members & sections) 20% Number of Transitions Transitions = total number of paid transition memberships of eligible students by June 30 th of the current fiscal year
Awards – Membership (Collegiate to Career) Collegiate Sections who have the best program for encouraging ongoing collegiate involvement throughout college as well as encourages graduating collegiates to stay involved with SWE as they transition to professional status, and who have sponsored the largest number of paid collegiate to career (C2C) memberships by June 30 th of the current fiscal year. Judging Basis 50% C2C Program/Event Membership Involvement/Participation w/ Program/Events, Creativity 50% C2C Score* * C2C score = (C2C members/Base)x100. Base = total paid members as of June 30 th of prior fiscal year
Awards – Membership (Region) Region(s) with the best Region Membership Growth & Retention program AND strives toward the retention and growth percentage goals for the year (for Professional and Collegiate). Region Z (International) is eligible to submit for this award. Governors, Lieutenant Governors, or International Ambassadors are asked to submit for this award. Judging Basis 20% Region Membership Program 80% Region Retention and Growth Scores (sections see below) 40% Professional Section scores 40% Collegiate section scores
Awards – Membership (Retention Program) successful membership retention programs in Sections (Collegiate and Professional), MAL Regions, and International Affiliates. Judging Basis Professional Sections 30% Retention Activities and Programs 35% Member Retention Score 10% Sustained Members 15% Dropped Members 10% Corporate Members Collegiate Sections 50% Retention Activities and Programs 35% Member Retention Score 15% Dropped Members
Awards – Membership (Recruitment Program) membership recruitment programs in Sections (Collegiate and Professional), MAL Regions, and International Affiliates. Judging Basis Professional Sections 30% Recruitment Activities and Programs 35% Member Recruitment Score 10% New Member Involvement 15% Joint Section Activities 10% Corporate Involvement Collegiate Sections 40% Recruitment Activities and Programs 35% Member Recruitment Score 10% Joint Section Activities 15% New Member Involvement
Awards - Multicultural MOTOROLA FOUNDATION AWARDS These awards recognize Professional Sections, MAL Regions and International Affiliates that have developed and implemented the best multicultural program to increase and retain a diverse membership. Collegiate Sections cannot apply. THE BOEING COMPANY AWARDS These awards recognize Collegiate Sections that have developed and implemented the best multicultural program to increase and retain a diverse membership. Professional Sections, MAL Regions and International Affiliates cannot apply. Judging Basis Focus on Program Activities
Awards – Outreach (Event/Series) Sections (Collegiate and Professional), MALs and International affiliates that have an outstanding event/series program The Event/Series Award is not limited to a one-time only activity. It may be a series of programs with the same theme. Submission of multiple entries for the event/series awards is encouraged Judging Criteria 20% Quality of the program 30% Relevance of the program to the mission and goals of SWE 15% Effort expended and amount of preparation by the submitting organization 25% Participation and effectiveness of the program 10% Communication of the event
Awards – Outreach (MOU) Section (Professional or Collegiate), MAL, or International Affiliate that has had an outstanding program targeted for the outreach organizations that SWE has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with: FIRST, Girls Incorporated, and Girl Scouts of the USA. The Outreach MOU Partnership Award is not limited to a one-time only activity. It may be a series of programs with the same theme. Judging Criteria 20% Quality of the program 30% Relevance of the program to the mission and goals of SWE and MOU with FIRST, Girls Incorporated, or Girl Scouts 15% Effort expended and amount of preparation by the submitting organization 25% Participation and effectiveness of the program 10% Communication of the program
Awards – Outreach (Parent and Educator) Sections (Professional and Collegiate), MALs and International Affiliates that have an outstanding Outreach Parent and Educator program. This program should clearly demonstrate an event or activity, or series of events or activities, or component of an event, where engineering students and/or professionals raise awareness of adult influencers (parents, teachers, or counselors) on engineering career opportunities, importance of engineering as a profession, and the need for a technically literate population. Judging Basis 20% Quality and innovation of the program 30% Relevance of the program to the mission and goals of SWE 15% Effort expended and amount of preparation by the submitting organization 25% Participation and effectiveness of the program 10% Communication of the program
Awards – Prof. Development (Event/Program) Sections (Professional and Collegiate), MALs and International Affiliates that have developed the best professional development program or event. A program can be a one-day seminar with a variety of workshops or a series comprised of at least two events that have a common theme An event can be a single professional development or meeting or workshop. The events can be held on different days. Program must support the professional development goals of the Society. Only one package can be submitted for this award. Judging Basis 35% Event Description and Purpose 25% Attainment of Society and Submitting Organization Goals 15% Effectiveness 15% Participation (Planning and Attendance) 10% Innovative/Expansion of Program
Questions The Training Presentation & Replay is available SWE Website: Awards -> Section/Region Awards By ing: