THE GROUND RULES No drinking No cell phones No computers
COURSE COMPONENTS Three (3) major exams. Lowest grade dropped Major Map Exam. Final Exam (counts twice). Participation can be a consideration. Pop quizzes a possibility.
GRADE CALCULATION Exam 175% Exam 265% Exam 387% Map Exam84% Final Exam88%
GRADE CALCULATION Exam 175%75 Exam 265% Exam 387%87 Map Exam84%84 Final Exam88%88 x = B
Excel formula: =SUM(A4,C4,D4,E4,E4)/5 Participation can be a subjective number of points not to exceed 8%. ABCDEFG EX 1EX2EX3MapFinal Average
GRADE CALCULATION Exam 145%45 Exam 235% Exam 363%55 Map Exam73%75 80 Final Exam74%75 x 2 85 x 2 65 = D 70 = C 60% of you points come on the last day.
EXAMS Largely based on your text and lectures and class discussion objective questions.80% Map10% 1 short essay (paragraph).10% Choice of 2-3 questions (maybe)
ESSAY RUBRIC Did you answer the question? Did you actually say something? Did you provide (accurate) evidence? Grammatical?
TEXT Read the text! You will be responsible for all the chapters. Pay attention to the “Review and Respond” questions at the end of each chapter.
MAP EXAMS A map will be on each exam 10% May be modern and historical geography. Emphasis on the maps in your text. Major Map Exam The same day as the Final. Modern world. Start learning them now.
FINAL EXAM 100 objective questions Essay Cumulative 80% based on Exams 1-3
COURSE WEBSITE ► Current Courses ► HIST ► HIST
CONTACTING ME Room 119 Hendricks Hall Office Hours on website Calls generally not returned Best way to contact me
YOUR ASSUMPTIONS... Needless requirement This class diverts you from your goal YOUR GOAL: A degree that lets you make Your degree will directly = your life goal.
THE FALLACIES OF YOUR ASSUMPTIONS College ≠ training College = education “educated:... Cultivated, cultured...” Your ultimate job probably won’t have anything to do with your undergraduate degree.
THE REAL PURPOSE OF THIS COURSE This is a “gate keeper” class. It provides context and a way of understanding who and what you are. This stuff—and a lot more—is on the Praxis Test.
SOME OF BILL GATES’S RULES Life is not fair – get used to it. 2. The world won’t care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself. 4. You think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. 8. Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT.
The rest of the world is not like us. Why?
“So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.” SUN TZU c. 500 BCE
REQUIREMENTS: By Friday: Read and understand everything on the website Text Chapters 1 and 2
Questions ?