Minnesota Department Of Health Minnesota Registration and Certification System Presentation for Physicians and Physicians Staff Assistants
Minnesota Registration & Certification System (MR&C) Like MN VRV2000, the MR&C is: Paperless Ensures data confidentiality and security Improves data quality Is “user friendly” Has HIPAA compliant security features such as access control, encryption and secure data transmission Unlimited number of Users at the same time Has built-in validating rules Users can generate reports easily
MR&C Features unique to MR&C are: Manage Profile Change Password Work Queue Cremation Authorization Approval Medical Examiner Referral Trigger Terms Validation Rules
MR&C LOGIN PAGE Enter the same User name and Password used in MN VRV2000.
MR&C HOME PAGE After you Login, you are at the Home tab. Tasks available to Users on this tab are Manage Profile and Work Queue.
Manage Profile Functions Update and change contact information Select default funeral home Select default issuance office Select default facility location Change password Set secret questions to manage password account
Manage Profile Page Maintain contact information and change password
Change Password
Work Queue One of the most significant enhancements is the MR&C Work Queue. It will: Increase efficiency and productivity Help manage work priorities and monitor/track status of death records entered in MR&C Allow you to view a list of pending items or unfinished tasks or incomplete records
System Generated Email Notification Work Queue Item An Email notification is sent to the Physician who is named the Medical Certifier for the death record.
Select a task to complete. Work Queue Page Select a task to complete. This page displays a list of tasks by work queue types and the number of records pending for each Work queue type.
Work queue item selected – Death record referral with cremation Select a record. The work queue includes the decedent’s name and shows date of death, who created the death record, and how long the record has been in the work queue.
The red asterisk (*) denotes required fields. Cause of Death I Page (top) Decedent’s Death Information The red asterisk (*) denotes required fields. Time of death is to be completed by Physicians All fields must be completed in the death information sections using data entry and the drop down menus.
Cause of Death I Page (Middle) Immediate causes of death Add as many lines as needed to report cause of death accurately.
Cause of Death I Page (Middle) Enter Cause of Death – Spell Check!!! Spell Check Check Terms and Apply Corrections MR&C will spell check your terms and apply corrections. Click on the red buttons to view and select the correct term.
Remember to complete this section. Cause of Death I Page – (Middle) Other Significant Conditions Remember to complete this section.
Use drop down arrow to complete. Cause of Death II Page – (Top) Enter Injury information Use drop down arrow to complete. If the manner of death is Accident, Homicide or Suicide, you must enter the appropriate injury information.
Click on link to return to page to correct and/or validate. Finalize Filing Page – (Top) Correct and Validate Click on link to return to page to correct and/or validate. The death record entered by the funeral home used in this example, was a suicide. If information is missing or incomplete, a red message appears. In this example, the message refers to Minnesota Statute 149A.90, subdivision 3 enacted in 1997.
CDC Pandemic Tracking Question This is a required field. Physicians must confirm the accuracy of the answer previously provided by the funeral director.
Finalize Filing Page – (Bottom) File cause of death Select when mandatory entries have been corrected and validated. After correcting and validating required entries, return to Finalize Filing page and click on File cause of death to complete the record.
Cause of death was entered as asphyxia. Finalize Filing Page Case Referred to Medical Examiner Cause of death was entered as asphyxia. There is no Medical filing date listed for this record although it was saved by the physician. The MR&C validation system prevents the filing of a death record by the physician when ME trigger terms are entered for cause of death. The system refers the case to the ME in the county where the death occurred.
Contact Information State Registrar Steven Elkins Death Registration Field Representative Judy Edwards 651-201-5961
Training for MR&C http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/chs/osr/physician-me/mrctrainingsite.html Click on the MR&C Training Tutorial link to get started!