Smart Health 2006: Focus on Technology Minnesota Rural Health Conference Duluth MN
Minnesota State University Moorhead Nursing Department Barbara J. Matthees, PhD., RN or
Context MSUM established in 1885 MS Teachers college in 1921 No RN-to-BSN option locally Large number of RNs needing BSN
Context (cont.) First RN-to-BSN students admitted 1976 ND required BSN for RN licensure Articulation agreements Continuously accredited since 1981
MSUM On-line Offerings Nursing: RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Master of Science degree in Educational Leadership Teaching and Learning with Technology, Certificate Program Bachelor of Science in Operations Management
RN to BSN Students Currently licensed RNs Working Families and other obligations Frequently older than average
Distance education Classes one or two days/evenings per week Traveling faculty Interactive TV On-line: –Hybrid with classes and/or ITV –Fully on-line –Accredited program Spring 2005
Keys to success Infrastructures –Instructional Technology staff and software Administrative support –CTL grants, Faculty development grants –Training for individual faculty and groups Champions for on-line within the department Flexibility and willingness to try and fail
Student Supports Some keys to students academic success and satisfaction –Technology support for students and faculty –On-line and packaged options –Access to University services Bookstore Registration and records Business office (financial aid, tuition, etc.) –Library Resources on-line
Challenges Re-think education and the faculty/student roles Technological issues IMS related learning curves Clinical experiences and supervision
Benefits Students remain in the workforce Students maintain their support systems Discussions offer quiet students opportunities to participate Flexibility within set parameters