Shopping Online Nicole NFU
E-tailers E-tailer: a business that uses the Internet to sell its products Retail: the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in small quantities Retailer:a person, shop or business that sells goods to the public Wholesaler: someone who buys and sells goods in large amounts to shops and businesses:
Shopping Bot Shopping Bots: are electronic crawlers, who do the research for you by keeping track of merchandise offering and prices of thousands of e-tailers.
Hands-on Practice 1.Please search the most inexpensive price for your textbook from one of the following websites: Textbook: How the Internet Works (Millennium Edition) by Preston Gralla; Copyright 1999 by Que ISBN: Websites:Powell’s Bookshttp:// Ecampus Ask Jeeves Send your findings (website; keywords; book status (used/new..); price; handling charge; shipping charge; delivery method..) on your own blog. (DO NOT BUY IT UNLESS YOU REALLY WANT To )
News Online by Nicole
Hands-on Practice 1 1. CNN San Francisco Bureau News Please click on Story Archives and pick one article to read and 1. Identify the three parts of the news (title, lead, and body) 2. Write the six basic questions and answer them. 3. Practice the activities that the website provides, and write down which activity you would value the highest for your language learning and how does it help you learn English? Send your answers of above online practices to your own BLOG before the end of the class.