Gentry McKeown Communications Coordinator Downtown Oklahoma City, Inc. Let’s get social: quick and dirty tips for using social media effectively
What does DOKC do anyway? Manage BID Marketing Events Programs
What does DOKC do anyway?
Here’s what we use:
A couple of tips and tricks
Choose your communicator wisely Protect your brand Are interns the answer? Sharing the workload
Be aware of your audience
Be engaging Getting a response Two-way interaction Follow news sources Follow people of interest l
Don’t overdo it Choosing your platforms Quality over quantity Frequency Keep it fresh
Don’t be pushy Be conversational Real people doing real things
Use hashtags appropriately #Don’t. #Hashtag. #Every. #Word. Create hashtags for special events/live tweeting #IDA57, #freeicecream, #downtownokc
Know how Twitter works I enjoyed meeting you at gave a great presentation at the IDA Conference! #IDA58th
Be interactive Hashtags Links Online promotions
Get creative with QR codes
Consider platform interaction Beware of character limits Have a consistent handle
Use social media helpers TweetDeck HootSuite Scheduling tweets Avoid duplication Hashtags on Facebook = #epicfail
Use social media helpers
Use separate apps for personal accounts Don’t be like this girl
Promote your social media everywhere Website Newsletter Media interviews
Create Facebook events Part of your promo plan
Use your audience
Consider building a mobile app Mobile apps vs. mobile-friendly sites Know what mobile users want
Beware of angry tweeters Negative tweets Media Address issues privately Tweet when you meet a need
Responding to a crisis Respond quickly Be honest, active and consistent Be human Offer a solution
Responding to a crisis
Reward your most active followers Say thank you Anytime gifts Milestones Promotions & contests
Thanks! Gentry McKeown, Downtown OKC,