Strategies for Building Local Online Visibility and Best Practices for Marketing to Techies Presented by Monica Valdez
Who are you communicating with? Learning how to listen and understand your user’s needs is the best way to foster mutual respect and trust with your audience. Whether you’re trying to sell them your company’s products or services, train them how to do something, or providing documentation for a product, system, or process, your work product must demonstrate that you understand their needs and can meet their goals.
Do You Really Know Your Tech-Savvy Audience? Ask yourself – Where is my audience? How do they like to get information? Am I providing what they need when and where they need it? Remember, techies… – Are comfortable using technology – Tend to own multiple devices including phones, tablets, laptops, desktops – Like to consume and share a variety of media types including text, apps, video, infographics, interactive, blogs, social media Infographic from BlueStacks pulled data from Nielsen as well as poll responses from its 145,000 Facebook fans to create a picture of the average male Android user in 2011.
Your Online Presence Website Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Other Social Networks Forums & Community Groups Business Profiles (Google +, Yelp, Etc.) Blog Apps
Your Website & Blog Ensure your site is SEO- Friendly & SEO optimized Utilize responsive design techniques to create an optimized experience for most devices Offer content using a variety of media: text, video, images and infographics Create clear user paths and calls to action
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter Keep your profile information up-to-date and on-message Have a strategy for engaging with your users regularly Know the rules of engagement for each platform Create content that people want to share
Other Social Networks, Forums & Community Groups
Business Profiles Location, Location, Location! Yelp, BBB, local or industry directories… prioritize based on what is most relevant Keep your profile information up-to-date and on-message Have a strategy for reviewing and updating regularly
Mobile Apps Can be great tools for re- engagment or loyalty/retention programs when implemented as a strategic part of your marketing mix Example: Amadeus Consulting developed an iPhone and iPad app for NADA that provides a valuable resource for NADA's network of auto and truck dealers.
AMADEUS CONSULTING Monica Valdez Director of Digital Marketing 1995 N. 57 th Ct. Suite 200 Boulder, CO P