DETAILS OF THE NEW DEAL When: 1933 with the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt until WWII began for the United States in 1942 What is it? It was FDR’s program to pull the U.S. out of the Depression
WHAT DID THE NEW DEAL DO? Provided relief, recovery, and reform for the country Relief: provided help for the needy Recovery: help the GNP rise and unemployment fall Reform: to prevent a future Depression
THE GREAT DEPRESSION The stock market crashed The banking system collapsed Factories shut down Farms foreclosed Massive unemployment Homeless families
WHAT TO DO? Welfare payment Unemployment insurance Social Security for the elderly SSI for widow and orphans Minimum wage All of these programs were started by the New Deal
“THE FIRST 100 DAYS” FDR was able to get Congress to pass 15 major pieces of legislation. It had never happened before It has never happened since
ACTIVITY You will now watch a video about the New Deal - Take notes on the “Alphabet Soup” programs Then, with a partner, you will categorized the programs under: RELIEF / RECOVERY / REFORM You will then share with the class
WHAT WAS “NEW” ABOUT THE NEW DEAL? Read the handout “What was ‘new’ about the New Deal” 1)Summarize The 1920s: Laissez-faire Economics and The 1930s: Government Regualation. 2)Write down the major differences that you see. 3)Are there any similarities? If so, what? 4)Discuss your answers with the person next to you. 5)With your partner, discuss why people may be in favor of or oppose the New Deal.
CRITICS OF THE NEW DEAL Turn your handout over Read “Critics of the New Deal” 1.Which one has the strongest argument in your opinion? Justify your answer. 2.Which one has the weakest argument and why? Turn to a new partner in your immediate vicinity and discuss your answers. Did your opinion(s) change after speaking to your partner? If so, why?
10 RESULTS OF THE NEW DEAL Changes to the economy: 1.Only WWII pulled us completely out of the Great Depression - Unemployment did not reach normal levels until men were drafted to fight in WWII 2.Government invention in the economy - Death of laissez-faire economics 3.Government regulation in Big Business
10 RESULTS OF THE NEW DEAL 4.The Welfare State - before the New Deal we did not have Welfare, unemployment insurance, Social Security for the elderly, disabled, widows or orphans, or minimum wage Changes to the U.S Political System 5.The New Deal preserved democracy in the U.S. - totalitarian governments rose in Europe – NOT in the U.S.
10 RESULTS OF THE NEW DEAL 6.The President became much more powerful 7.The beginning of Big Government - Alphabet programs became federal government agencies 8.The beginning of Organized Labor - Workers won the right to join unions and engage in collective bargaining
10 RESULTS OF THE NEW DEAL 9.The New Deal Coalition - Democratic Party became the biggest political party - Consisted of: cities, organized labor, & African Americans - African American left the Republican Party, “the party of Abraham Lincoln.” - The Republicans became the minority party because they were blamed for the Depression
10 RESULTS OF THE NEW DEAL 10. Changes to the U.S. Constitution - 21 st Amendment: Ended Prohibition - 22 nd Amendment: Term limits for the President
CLOSURE What are the three “R’s” and what do they mean? Summarize the 1920s government and economy. Summarize the 1930s government and economy. In your opinion, was the New Deal a success or a failure? Explain your answer.