By David J Smith
If the world’s population was 100 people...
There would be… 61 Asians 13 Africans 12 Europeans 8 South Americans, Central Americans and Caribbeans 5 Canadians / U.S. 1 Oceania
More that ½ the people in the global village come from the 10 most populated countries:
21 are from China 17 are from India 5 are from the United States 5 are from the United States 4 are from Indonesia 4 are from Indonesia 3 are from Brazil 3 are from Brazil 3 are from Pakistan 3 are from Pakistan 2 are from Russia 2 are from Russia 2 are from Bangladesh 2 are from Bangladesh 2 are from Japan 2 are from Japan 2 from Nigeria 2 from Nigeria
LANGUAGES 6,000 languages are spoken, but more than half of the people speak these 8 languages: 22 speak a Chinese dialect 9 speak English 4 speak Bengali 9 speak English 4 speak Bengali 8 speak Hindi 3 speak Portuguese 8 speak Hindi 3 speak Portuguese 7 speak Spanish 3 speak Russian 7 speak Spanish 3 speak Russian 4 speak Arabic 4 speak Arabic
1. Ni haoa. Spanish 2. Holab. Hindi 3. Namastec. Russian 4. Privetd. Chinese 5. Olae. Portuguese World Languages Matching Activity
AGES 10 are children under age 5 10 are children between 5 and 9 19 are between 10 and are between 20 and are between 30 and are between 40 and 49 9 are between 50 and 59 6 are between 60 and 69 3 are between 70 and 79 1 is over 79
Draw a Population Pyramid to illustrate this data.
What are two conclusions that you can draw from this Population Pyramid?
On average, 1 person dies and 3 babies are born every year.
A baby born in the village can expect to live to age 63.
RELIGION 32 are Christians 19 are Muslims 13 are Hindus 12 practice shamanism, animism and other folk religions 6 are Buddhists 6 are Buddhists 2 belong to other global religions 2 belong to other global religions 1 is Jewish 1 is Jewish 15 are non-religious
The villagers have many animals. They help produce food or are a source of food There are: 31 sheep and goats 23 cows, bulls, and oxen 15 pigs 3 camels 2 horses 189 chickens
50 people do not have a reliable source of food and are hungry some or all of the time 20 other people are severely undernourished Only 30 people always have enough to eat
WATER 75 have access to a source of safe water 25 do not and must spend a large part of the each day simply getting safe water
60 have access to adequate sanitation adequate sanitation 40 do not
68 breathe clean air 32 breathe air that is unhealthy because of unhealthy because of pollution pollution
There are 38 school- aged children of them attend school school
There is 1 teacher for these students.
Of the 88 people old enough to read, 71 can read at least a little, but 17 cannot read at all.
Money If all the money in the village were divided equally, each person would have about $6,200 a year. The richest 20 people each have more than $9,000 a year. The poorest 20 people each have less than $1 a day. The other 60 people have something in between.
The average cost of food, shelter and other necessities in the village is $4,000 to $5,000 per year. Many people don’t have enough money to meet these basic needs.
76 have it 24 do not
42 Radios 24 Televisions 30 Telephones (half of them cellular phones) 10 Computers
In the Past… In 1 C.E., 3 people lived in the village. In 1000, 5 people lived in the village. In 1500, 8 people lived in the village. In 1650, 10 people lived in the village. In 1800, 17 people lived in the village. In 1900, 32 people lived in the village. In 2002, 100 people lived in the village.
The Village in the Future…