1 ELP Assessment Reminders and Updates for Districts January 2007 Audio Conference for District ELP Test Coordinators Department of Education & Early Development Margaret MacKinnon, Janet Valentour and Patricia Adkisson
2 Contents Criteria for LEP students to be tested Clarification of former LEP students Information for training staff to administer the ELP assessment Details and dates for formal testing Proposals for district feedback
3 Criteria for testing LEP Students Test all identified and pending LEP students All students with L1 or LP on LEP Student Data Collection Test kindergarteners who scored fluent on the IPT 2004 I - Oral English, Form E IMPORTANT FACTIMPORTANT FACT
4 LEP Student Codes L1 = first year that LEP student is identified LP = continuing LEP student LT = LEP student who meets the exit criteria at the end of the current school year ELP assessment results are part of the students academic record and must be sent to the new school and/or district if a student transfers.
5 Former LEP students are not required to take ELP assessment LEP students who met the exit criteria at the end of (LT) are in the 1st year of monitoring in Former LEP students in 1st or 2nd year of monitoring are not required to take the annual ELP assessment. Former LEP Students
6 Monitor former LEP student academic progress Former LEP students must be monitored on SBAs in grades Former LEP students in grades 11 & 12 must be monitored by district for academic progress on district criteria such as courses and grades. District must report on meeting academic goals for former LEP students in grades 11 & 12.
7 Former & Non-LEP Codes M1 = former LEP student in 1st year of monitoring (was LT in prior school year) M2 = former LEP student in second year of monitoring (was M1 in prior school year) N = potential LEP student who was tested but scored overall proficient. Not identified as LEP student.
8 Training of Staff
9 When… Training should occur before February 1 of each school year. Note the ELP testing window has changed to February 1 – March 31 [4 AAC (c)] IMPORTANT FACTIMPORTANT FACT
10 Who… All personnel administering the IPT must be fully trained Recipient of a Certificate of Training, prepared by Ballard & Tighe and signed by the ELP test coordinator or district trainer Database of trained personnel should be on file with the district All personnel trained in prior years should receive a refresher training annually Database should reflect each training session as required annually
11 How… Districts may determine the scheduling and location for all district training Consideration: Use the online training system in a lab environment Use the online training system at single sites Create a two-day inservice with hands on opportunities district personnel leading the training must obtain a Certificate of Training of Trainers from Ballard & Tighe and signed by a Ballard & Tighe trainer
12 Online Training Ballard & Tighe have made training available on the website User ID: alaskauser Password: alaska6f4m Users are tracked throughout session Users receive a Certificate of Training at the end of the training sessions How…
13 What… Training materials for Spring 07 may include Form A of the IPT materials These materials are secure test items All personnel must sign an IPT Training Security Agreement (on website) A tracking system is required for: IPT materials IPT Training Security Agreements Download all necessary documents for the training tighe.com/NewIPTtraining/AKIPTMaterials/ Username: aktrainer Password: ak9634tr tighe.com/NewIPTtraining/AKIPTMaterials/
14 Formal Testing begins…
15 Test Security Alaska Department of Education & Early Development acknowledges the IPT as a secure test. Thus, the test may be disclosed only as provided in the regulation [4 AAC ] Security forms must be signed and filed prior to each administration (on website) ELP Test Coordinator Test Security Agreement (filed with EED – ready to receive now) ELP Test Administrator Test Security Agreement (filed with district) IMPORTANT FACTIMPORTANT FACT
16 Testing Dates Each district can schedule/organize the testing administration Must be completed on or before March 31, 2007 Districts should consider Shipping limitations – finish earlier if necessary Scheduling a make-up testing day for absent LEP students
17 Reporting for Look for reports posted on SchoolHouse in late May – early June Two years of test scores for comparison Making progress indicators
18 LEP Exit Criteria Exit criteria has changed [4 AAC (d)] Student who scores overall proficient or proficient high on state-approved assessment of English language proficiency can be exited from limited English proficiency status; and The district must monitor the students academic progress for two years thereafter. Former LEP students will be counted for AYP for two years. Exit criteria applies to spring 2007 test. IMPORTANT FACTIMPORTANT FACT
19 Proposals for district feedback…
20 Alaska is proposing a new definition of making progress and new targets for making progress & attaining proficiency based on the new ELP assessment. Feedback on this proposal is welcome from districts. Please submit to Pattie Adkisson by January 19, 2007.
21 Making Progress Definition Expected number of years to reach proficiency based on student grade level and overall proficient score during initial year of ELP assessment Number of expected years to reach proficiency from beginner low: 6 years for grades K-5 7 years for grades 6-12 PROPOSEDPROPOSED
22 Expected Years to Proficiency Number of Expected Years to Reach Overall Proficiency in English (DRAFT updated 1/3/07) Student Grade Level at Initial Identification as LEP Overall Proficiency Level at Initial Identification as LEP Beginner LowBeginner HighIntermediate LowIntermediate High K6543 1st6543 2nd6543 3rd6543 4th6543 5th6543 6th7654 7th7654 8th7654 9th th th th7654 PROPOSEDPROPOSED
23 Making Progress – continued Proficiency target for each student is set at the minimum standard score at the grade level of expected overall proficiency. Making progress target for each year is difference between students proficiency target and students current score divided by # of years left to reach proficiency. PROPOSEDPROPOSED
24 Targets for Making Progress (MP) and Attaining Proficiency (AP) Targets based on percent of all identified LEP students for a given year. Targets set for all grades K-12. Targets assume approximately 15% of identified LEP students will be in the first year of identification and therefore making progress is not applicable. Targets apply to LEP students statewide and to all districts receiving Title III funds. PROPOSEDPROPOSED
25 Targets - Continued Proposed targets Making Progress (MP) – 35% – 37% – 40% Attaining Proficiency (AP) – 18% – 19% – 20% PROPOSEDPROPOSED
26 Getting started…
27 To Do List (suggested) 1. Create inventory or tracking forms IPT materials Form A and B At district level At building level Certificates for training Security Agreements 2. Schedule ELP assessment training New test administrators Refresher for trained administrators Collect and monitor certificates for training 3. Schedule test administration in district Collect and monitor Test Security Agreements Fax ELP Test Coordinator Test Security Agreement to EED 4. Access the LEP Student Data Collection to confirm LEP students to be tested
28 ELP State Website
29 EED Support Assessment Questions: Janet Valentour, ELP Assessment Program Manager, Title I and Title III Questions: Patricia Adkisson, Program Manager,