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Mali Landlocke d country in West Africa
Timbuktu (Tombouktou) In early times a center for learning Ancient city in Mali In early times a center for learning Ancient city in Mali
Nigeria West African country with largest population Oil is major mineral resource and largest export West African country with largest population Oil is major mineral resource and largest export
Senegal West Africa country along the Atlantic Coast
Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Capital city of Cote d’Ivoire is Abidjan
Ghana Capital City of Ghana is Accra First West African country to gain independence in 1957 Capital City of Ghana is Accra First West African country to gain independence in 1957
Liberia Only country in Africa that was never a colony
Harmattan Dry dusty wind from the Sahara
Developing economy Economy that is becoming industrialized but still does many jobs by hand, that other parts of the world have mechanized.
West African Farming Most takes place on small individually owned plots of land
Sahara Desert that covers most of North Africa
Lowlands along the coast Sandy beaches, rain forests and mangrove swamps
Sahel Short grasses and trees are used for grazing animals
Bauxite Mineral used to make aluminum
Senegal River Flows through several West African countries
Ibo Ethnic group in West Africa
Religions of West Africa Traditional Tribal
Climate of West Africa Influenced by Gulf of Guinea’s warm currents