Experimental modeling of impact-induced high- temperature processing of silicates. Mikhail GerasimovSpace Research Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia Yurii DikovInstitute of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, RAS, Moscow, Russia Oleg YakovlevVernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, RAS, Moscow, Russia Mikhail GerasimovSpace Research Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia Yurii DikovInstitute of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, RAS, Moscow, Russia Oleg YakovlevVernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, RAS, Moscow, Russia
t p Schematic cratering process
Projectile/target mixing proportions? Computational issues: v imp < 25 km/sm target melt < 10 m projectile vap < 50 % melt projectile /melt target > 5 % Geochemical observations: (PGEs, Ni, Co, Cr, etc.) individual samples of melt ~ 1 % integral melt sheets « 1 %
What happens to chemical composition of colliding materials?
Starting Droplets augite Volatilization sequence SiO TiO Al 2 O FeO MgO CaO MnO Na 2 O Droplets Crater melt Starting augite LP experiment with augite. Chemical composition of crater melt and ejected droplets.
Transformation of silicates chemical composition from starting sample (filled symbols) to condensed material (open symbols) in LGG experiments LGG experiment Fe-Ni meteorite (5.6 km/s) granite granite condensate SiO 50.7 Al 2 O 19.2 FeO2.3 1.1 CaO1.1 3.5 Na 2 O3.8 22.7 K 2 O6.6 2.7
Bulk compositions of condensed films (mol. %) obtained in LP experiments for target samples composed of some Ab-Ort proportions. NaAlSi 3 O 8 melt NaAlSiO 4 vapor + 2 SiO 2 vapor/melt Depth-profiles of main elements through the thickness of condensed film obtained in LP experiments with Ab56Ort44 mixture “Netheline” clusterNa : Al : Si = 1 : 1 : 1
Depth-profiles of concentrations of Na and Al through the thickness of condensed films produced in LP experiments with augite and meteorites: Indarch, Tsarev, and Etter.
“Enstatite” cluster Mg : Si = 1 : 1
INAA analysis of trace elements compositions in starting Tsarev (L5) and amphibole samples and in their melts and condensates obtained in LP experiments
Comparative composition of trace-elements in starting basalt and granite samples and in their condensates formed during LGG experiments. Concentrations of elements C i are given relative to concentration of sodium, C Na.
LP experiment with olivine
Chemical composition (mol %) of starting kerolite (left) and garnierite (right) and of their experimentally produced condensates and melt spherules. Kerolite SiO 2 – 53,44 wt.% NiO – MgO – Fe 2 O 3 – 0.24 Al 2 O 3 – 0.05 H 2 O –12.58 Garnierite SiO 2 – 33,00 wt.% NiO – MgO – 4.52 Fe 2 O 3 – 1.08 Al 2 O 3 – 0.62 CaO – 0.33 H 2 O –16.42
Concentrations of Fe, S, P, and Ni in Pt-rich and in silicate droplets
Volatilization during an impact is a “non linear” process: - volatilization of elements is dominated by formation of clusters which assemble elements having different “classic” volatility (“enstatite”, “netheline”, “wollastonite”, … clusters); - thermal and chemical reduction of iron with subsequent agglomeration of iron droplets and their dispersion from silicate melts; - scavenging of siderophile elements from silicate melts into forming and dispersing metallic droplets; - observed high volatility of “classically” refractory elements such as REE, U, Th, Hf, Zr, etc.
Chemical composition of glass spherules obtained in LP experiment with target mixture of Murchison +Ti-basalt (1:1) in comparison with the composition of «pristine» glasses
Al vs. Mg/Al in starting sample and in glass spherules in LP experiment with a mixture sample (Murchison+Ti-basalt (1:1))
Chemical trend for Ti during an impact of a chondritic projectile into lunar basalts basalts volatilization mixing trend
basalts volatilization mixing trend Chemical trends for Al and Ca during an impact of a chondritic projectile into lunar basalts
basalts volatilization mixing trend Chemical trends for Mg and Fe during an impact of a chondritic projectile into lunar basalts basalts volatilization mixing trend
SiO 2, wt.% Ca/Al, wt. ratio "pristine" glasses - lunar basalts Ca/Al ratios vs. SiO 2 in lunar «pristine» glasses (Delano, 1986) and in lunar basalts (Papike et al., 1998)
Conclusions: - the usage of siderophile elements is a powerful tool as an indicator of the presence of meteoritic material but it can provide an underestimation of proportion of the projectile in the impact melt; - we need an involvement of computational methods into the problem of projectile/target mixing.