Creative Transition Planning
The need for transition planning Studies show students make up their mind about college around 8 th grade More choices than ever and more confusion than ever Lack of comprehensive career guidance in high schools Minimal understanding of career choices and training requirements Lack of knowledge of options and accommodations available for students with disabilities
Creative Transition Programs “ Whose Brain is it Anyway?” Energetic, humorous improv comedy show Target Audience: 9 th Grade Theme: “Get serious, get focused, get moving” towards postsecondary education and career planning Involves numerous audience-participation skits that are different each time (Video clip link)
Creative Transition Programs “Transitions” One-act play about a middle school age boy and his crush on a girl Target Audience: 8 th Grade Involves humor and typical age- appropriate situations with which students can relate Weaves the theme of college planning throughout the play within interactions with an older sister (video clip link)
Creative Transition Programs “Better Place to Start” (BPTS) Fast-paced, energetic presentation about post-secondary education options Target Audience: 11 th /12 th Grade Emphasizes advantages of community colleges “Soft-sell” on the name brand Bright, engaging PowerPoint presentation format typically presented in English classes
Creative Transition Programs
What Will I Do After High School? Job? College? Technical Training? Military?
What Should I Be Doing Now? Seek out volunteer opportunities Career shadow Begin a career portfolio Take a variety of electives Take Dual Enrollment classes Take Tech Prep courses Take a career exploration course Research various careers Visit colleges that you are interested in attending
Services For Students With Disabilities Reasonable accommodations available for students with appropriate documentation of disability Office for Students with Disabilities available to help
Creative Transition Programs “ Students in Industry/Career Investigations” Program targets specific career programs Target Audience: High School Students spend half day touring college programs and half day in real world setting
Creative Transition Programs “College Night” Large-scale college fair offered by the community college Universities and colleges from around the country are invited Held on two nights All high school students and parents are invited
Creative Transition Programs “Teach-In” Program designed to get college faculty and staff into secondary schools Target Audience: All levels of schools College faculty and staff are invited to spend time this day in a local school teaching or presenting on a topic of interest Builds relationships with colleges and secondary schools
Creative Transition Programs “Counselor Day” Luncheon for guidance counselors Target Audience: All high school guidance counselors Highlights college programs and admissions procedures/requirements Builds relationships between secondary and postsecondary institutions
Creative Transition Programs “ Scholarship Presentations” College transition staff present scholarships at local high school award ceremonies Target Audience: Graduating Seniors Increases communication and relationships between colleges and high schools
Creative Transition Programs “Road Rules to Success” Program designed to smooth the transition from high school to college Target Audience: Recently graduated high school seniors Half day on-campus orientation in early summer with various workshops on admissions, financial aid, etc. Parents are invited
Creative Transition Programs “Disability Roundtables” Half or full-day roundtable event highlighting a particular disability Target Audience: Disability providers/counselors from local colleges and high schools Addresses new techniques and ways to increase success of targeted populations Facilitated and presented by the OSD dept.
Creative Transition Programs How can we do that? Seek buy-in from various college departments and administrators Start with one program at a time Develop programs that meet specific needs of your student population Foster and develop a good working relationship with local schools Hire creative, energetic, innovative thinkers Think outside the box Demonstrate your value with data