Effective Person Centred Approaches to Transition Planning Services for Young People Will Fletcher - Learning for Living and Work Implementation Manager January 13 th 2011
Aiming High for Disabled Children Transition Planning Group March 2010 letter to all schools from Justin Donovan, Deputy Director (Chief Education Officer) Project Group - key stakeholders including parents/carers, schools, CSF and ACS, Youth Connexions Bi-monthly meetings to take forward agreed work plan
AIMING HIGH FOR DISABLED CHILDREN: BETTER SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES (2007) Five Aiming High priority areas: ◦ Participation ◦ Effectiveness of personalised approaches ◦ Joint Assessment ◦ Realistic post 16 opportunities ◦ Strategic joint partnership working The participation strand of the core offer states that ‘disabled children have the option to be fully involved in the way services are planned, commissioned and delivered in their area, increasing their choice and control’.
The aims of the project: To use the Learning for Living and Work Framework (LFLW) as the single multi agency transition plan To use person centred approaches to develop solutions to transition related issues To analyse the impact of person centred approaches on improving transition To ensure measurable evidence of the impact of person centred approaches To contribute to the collation of evidence in respect of current and post project experiences of transition (process and/or outcomes) for young people with Special Educational Needs / Learning Difficulties & Disabilities
Project outcomes: Established and agreed transition planning process Development of a range of toolkits and materials Single multi-agency transition plan All young people to have a person centred plan Improved transition pathways for young people with LDD
Achievements so far Synergy with SEND Annual Reviews Ensuring that statement reviews from Year 9 onwards are person centred and ensure that pupils make a full and active contribution to the process. Draft recommendations regarding minimum standards for reviews Single multi agency Transition Plan
The Learning for Living and Work Framework Is based on the principles of person centred planning and gathers information to enable providers to support young people with SEND to work towards their aspirations. Recognises that education is one part of a young person’s life and allows scope for multi agency planning to take account of and plan for all aspects and create a holistic package.
8 Brokered Package for Gareth Family College Church Farm Dimensions /ACS CSF