Dr Anne Goodenough
L5 Module
L6 Module
Novel Fieldwork Publication: Goodenough et al (2014) The role of overseas field courses in student learning in the Biosciences. Bioscience Education.
Video Project Publication: Goodenough et al (2013) Developing a supportive framework for learning on biosciences field courses through video-based resources. JOLT
L5 Module
L6 Module
L7 Module
UG Dissertation Publication: Stafford et al (2011) Inferential and visual analysis of ethogram data using multivariate techniques. Animal Behaviour.
UG Dissertation Publication: Carpenter & Goodenough (2014). How robust are community-based plant bioindicators? Empirical testing in woodland communities. Comm. Ecology
PG Dissertation
Degree+ Internship Publication: Rolfe, Sharp and Goodenough et al. (in prep) Habitat requirements of butterfly larval host plants and optimal grassland management
Research Bursary Publication: Goodenough et al. (in prep). Half a world away: linking African stable isotope profiles to European breeding success.
-- Publication: Goodenough et al. (2014) Quantifying the robustness of first arrival dates as a measure of avian migratory phenology. Ibis. Research Bursary
Citizen Science Publication: Stafford et al. (2010) Eu-social science: the role of internet social networks in the collection of bee biodiversity data. PLoS ONE
Graduate Challenge
FOR REAL Publication: Hart et al. (2011) Bridging the lecturer/student divide: the role of residential field courses. Bioscience Education