Early planning is crucial for youth transitioning to adulthood. Sufficient lead time is necessary for successful preparation, for this phase of their life. This early notification allows a youth with developmental needs the benefit of the assistance, guidance and support available though the collaboration of child and adult serving state departments, schools and community supports. 2
3 * OCFS has two reports that will begin the identification process of youth that will need the parent/guardian contacted about the process and its benefits. * APS Report of clients 16 and older with a developmental diagnosis and receiving one of the CBH contracted services. * MACWIS Report of clients 15 and older in State Custody with an indication of special needs.
4 * As clients reach their 16 th birthday parent/guardian would be contacted. * Parent/guardian grants permission for OCFS and OADS to begin the discussions of transition to adulthood.
5 * Are held in each of the Districts/Regions * Resource Coordinator will bring the list/report of clients that are ready for discussions * A note taker will document the discussions for appropriate and adequate planning, recommendations for testing and brainstorming of options. * District meetings will facilitate a smooth flow of information between OCFS / OADS and community services.
6 * The EIS is used to track data for all people and organizations related to or served by the Department of Health and Human Services. The EIS allows for the integration of data across all service populations and providers. * EIS will be used to electronically submit the Early Notification documentation needed for the information sharing.
7 * Step 1 Enter or update the youth’s demographic information. * Step 2 Enter or update the youth’s relationships and associations * Step 3 Enter or update the Youth Diagnostic Tool * Step 4 Enter Early Notification Tool Information
8 * Step 5 Conduct Transition Meeting for the Individual Youth * Step 6 Complete the Transition Service Assessment (Notes of Transition Meeting) * Between Steps 6 and 7, All Identified Transition Issues and Needs are to be Resolved to Prepare for Adult Service Referral
9 * Step 7 Enter Follow-up Transition Service Assessment for Complicated Youth Situations (Notes from Ongoing Individual Client Transition Meetings) * The Following Steps are for Seventeen Year-olds * Step 8 Add the Developmental Services “Services and Supports Assessment”
10 * Step 9 Enter Developmental Services Initial Visit Survey (17-yr olds) * Step 10 Enter Psychological and Other Clinical Evaluations Assessment * Step 11 Enter Psychosocial Assessment * Step 12 Complete Referral to Developmental Services for Eligibility Determination
* Step 1 Enter Client/Guardian’s Permission for Service. * Step 2 Review Data and Information Recorded in the Transition Process * Step 3 Conduct Initial Visit to Client’s Home * Step 4 Update Collected Information from the Transition Initial Visit Assessment * Initial Visit Assessment * Services and Supports Assessment * Psychological and Clinical Evaluations Assessment * Psychosocial Assessment 11
* Step 5 Conduct Eligibility Assessment * Step 6 Notify Client/Guardian of Decision * Step 7 Client/Guardian Selects Case Management Provider * Step 8 Case Management Provider Accepts Client and Begins Review of Transition Process Data * Step 9 Case Manager Schedules and Conducts Planning Meeting within 30 days of Acceptance * Step 10 Services Begin as Appropriate and Available After Planning Meeting. 12