What is classification? – Organising living things into groups: Anatomy Genetics Horseshoe crab Anatomically - looks like a crab Genetically - more closely related to spiders
Why classify organisms? Blue whale - MAMMAL Classification
Why classify organisms? Helps others understand which species you are talking about Can group species based on shared characteristics To study phylogeny – how related species are Emperor penguin - BIRDDusky dolphin - MAMMAL Classification
Linnaean classification – Genus and species, e.g. Homo sapiens Panthera leoPanthera tigris Classification
Genus and species are the tip of the iceberg There are many different levels in the classification hierarchy Top level is the 5 Kingdoms: – Protists (e.g. amoebae, algae) – Bacteria (e.g. bacteria, archaebacteria) – Fungi – Plants – Animals Classification
~ 1.26 million animal species Vertebrates and invertebrates ~ 1.2 million are invertebrates (e.g. insects, crustaceans) ~ 60,000 are vertebrates Kingdom Animalia Great white shark VERTEBRATE Monarch butterfly INVERTEBRATE Classification
INVERTEBRATES No spinal column (also called backbone) No internal skeleton VERTEBRATES Have a spinal column Have an internal skeleton Vertebrates are divided into five groups: Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals Seven-spot ladybird INVERTEBRATE Purple frog VERTEBRATE Classification
Produce milk from mammary glands to feed young Maintain constant body temperature (warm- blooded) Covering of hair Give birth to live young Mammals The Vertebrates
Maintain a constant body temperature (warm- blooded) Reproduce by laying eggs Have feathers Most can fly Have a beak Birds The Vertebrates
Don’t regulate body temperature (cold-blooded) Tough scaly skin Most lay eggs with leathery shells Reptiles The Vertebrates
Don’t regulate body temperature (cold-blooded) Lay eggs in water Life cycle involves transformation from aquatic larvae to terrestrial adult Can respire through porous skin Amphibians The Vertebrates
Actually a collection of four distantly related groups Breathe underwater using internal gills for gas exchange Body covered with scales Most don’t regulate body temperature (cold-blooded) Fish The Vertebrates