S TARTING H IGH S CHOOL F ROM 8 TH TO 9 TH GRADE 2015 – 2016 Brian Wharton YHS Principal John Johnson RMS Principal Heidi Bunker YMS Principal
T HE M OST I MPORTANT M ESSAGES T ONIGHT … We have to create a mindset that every class a student takes is a graduation requirement, or a key part of the student’s plan Grades and report cards have always mattered, but now the students are now actively building towards meeting their graduation requirements Failing any class creates sharp, negative consequences for the student
C ORE A CADEMICS Year Long Courses English Math Natural Resource Science/Integrated Science Tech Communications
E LECTIVES Band – All Year Choir – All Year Spanish – All Year Pre-Algebra – All Year Robotics – Semester PE and/or Health - Semester Art - Semester PASS - Semester Support Reading or Math - Semester Leadership – Semester/All Year
W HAT IS A CREDIT ? Means that a high school class has been passed at end of a semester Credits are added to official transcripts at end of fall and spring semesters Students take 6 classes per semester Earn 3 credits per semester/6 credits per year Students can earn 24 credits in grades 9-12
G RADUATION R EQUIREMENTS –C LASS OF credits to graduate and earn a diploma Must earn credits in English, social studies, math, science, CTE, health, PE, fine arts and electives Must do a high school and beyond plan Must complete state testing requirements Pass reading, writing, algebra or geometry and biology tests, or SBAC Common Core in English/Language Arts and Math Admissions requirements for 4 year colleges exceed those required to earn diploma
G ETTING OFF TO A GOOD START Attendance! The most predictive piece of data. All absences matter Get ahead and you have more choices in classes and programs College bound students should take at least one honors or Advanced Placement course each year Set time and place to study on regular basis Involved in a positive school activity On time work completion in imperative Parents stay closely involved Family Access - Skyward Strong contact with teachers and counselor Monitor social media For students who struggle, most problems occur in the 9 th or 10 th grade year
G ETTING OFF TO A GOOD START Get behind and it is hard to catch up Fewer electives when you get behind Hard to repeat classes “I can easily catch up by…” Credit retrieval becomes costly Middle schools and high school have similar support and intervention services
A CADEMIC S UPPORTS We don’t want any student to fall behind. Students should never be failing a class because… Grade checks required Parent grade monitoring Opportunity Time 4-5 days per week PASS Support Class Administration and Counselors monitor student progress and identify support for individual students Lunch Study Hall, Academic Achievement, Parent Contact/Staffing
C OMMUNICATION F ROM S CHOOL School Website Newsletters online Skyward Messaging Autodial Calls Schedule and activity information Family Access functions Encourage teachers to use Skyward messaging to families
A THLETIC I NFORMATION Ron Barnard, District Athletic Director 7-12 Fall sports Buses Eligibility Paperwork Important Fall Dates Combined sports program for 9-12 grades, between 3 campuses. YHS is a 4A Athletic Classification
A THLETICS RMS Nicole Minor, ASB Secretary YMS Becky Jackson, ASB Secretary Activity Bus from both schools to YHS Turn in paperwork to the middle school your student attends Fall – Winter – Spring
I N S UMMARY …W E ASK OUR 9 TH G RADERS TO DO THE FOLLOWING … Attend school every day Read every day Do the work that is assigned on time Look out for each other
RMS AND YMS E MAIL /P HONE C ONTACT RMS ex ex ex ASB ex11122 Admin. Assistant YMS Craig_curry.wednet.edu wednet.edu ASB Admin. Assistant
YHS C ONTACT I NFORMATION Principal Admin. Assist Athletics and Activities Athletics AP/Activities ASB office