EMERGING ADULTS AS EMERGING COUNSELORS: Working Through The Transition NARACES September 26, 2014 Providence, RI Dr. Karen Dickinson, West Chester University Dr. Jacqueline Hodes, West Chester University
Who Are Our Students?
Emerging Adulthood Emerging Adulthood
Age of Identity Explorations
Age of Instability
The Self-Focused Age
The Age of Feeling In-Between
Age of Possibilities
Strategies for Creating Counselor Identity Structured Orientations Mentoring Experiences Celebrate Accomplishments Increase and Vary Communication Focus on Career Development/Job Search Process Encourage Volunteer and Paid Opportunities to Explore and Practice Empathy Balance Challenge and Support Help Practice Empathy in Living Situations
Bibliography Arnett, J.J. (2004). Emerging adulthood: The winding road from the late teens through the twenties. New York: Oxford University Press. Council for Graduate Schools. (2013). U.S. graduate schools report slight growth in new students for fall Retrieved from Elam,C.; Stratton, T.; Gibson, D.D. (2007). Welcoming a new generation to college: The millennial student. Journal of College Admission. Retrived from Henning, R.M. (2010, August 18). What is it about 20-somethings? The New York Times. Hoover, E. (2009, October 11). The millennial muddle. The Chronicle of Higher Education. National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved from Pew Research Report. (2010). Millennials: A portrait of generation next. Retrieved from Failure to Launch Video Failure to Launch Video
THANK YOU! Loving and Understanding Our Emerging Adults Loving and Understanding Our Emerging Adults