Self-Study Tool for Alaska Schools Winter Conference January 14, 2010 Jon Paden, EED Deborah Davis, Education Northwest/Alaska Comprehensive Center
Roadmap for This Session 1) Description of the Self-Study Tool, the connection to the Instructional Audit 2) Characteristics of the Self-StudyTool and small group exploration 3) Simulation of the Self-Study process 4) Next steps and ways to approach the Self-Study Tool in your district/school
What is the Self-Study Tool for Alaska Schools? Based on Alaskas Instructional Audit Tool Is implemented under direction of districts and is guided by an EED Technical Assistance Coach Is conducted by an internal team of the entire faculty or a smaller leadership group from within the school Is conducted by an internal team of the entire faculty or a smaller leadership group from within the school
What the SST is… An evidence-based self-study A way to build awareness, buy-in and support for improvement efforts The end product is not a score; instead it is the identification of current strengths and limitations
How the Self-Study Tool (SST) Complements the Instructional Audit SST is based on Alaskas Instructional Audit Tool Incorporates changes made to Instructional Audit Tool based on considerable feedback from audited districts To be implemented by districts and guided by a Technical Assistance Coach
What happens during the Instructional Audit? Audit team develops a snapshot of district/school practices by engaging in: Document review Focus groups & interviews with staff and students Observation of instruction The team combines these data sources to triangulate evidence and assign the rating Meets or Does Not Meet
As a Result of the Instructional Audit: The audit team produces a Report of Findings for the Commissioners review This report complements other data (e.g., SBAs, district conversations) to develop a plan: E.g., stay the course, give recommendations, direct instructional actions, redirect funds for student learning benefit, replace personnel
As a Result of the Self-Study Tool: A school-level team investigates one domain at a time Ratings from 1-4 are determined by the team Strengths and weaknesses are identified and agreed upon A decision is made about how to strengthen the domain
What are Similarities between the IAT and the SST? Evidence-based Provide diagnostic data to help with creation of improvement plans Based on the six domains and 44 key elements within domains (including parent and community involvement key elements)
… And The Differences? IAT conducted by external team IAT conducted over one week IAT uses a dichotomous rating SST conducted by internal team SST may take several weeks or months SST uses a 4- point rubric
Who is involved in the SST? SST may be facilitated by: EED-trained Technical Assistance Coach EED-trained Technical Assistance Coach In consultation with District-level staff In consultation with District-level staff SST is conducted by: Entire site staff or Entire site staff or Smaller group of faculty/staff such as an instructional leadership team Smaller group of faculty/staff such as an instructional leadership team May include parents/community members and older students May include parents/community members and older students
SST Materials Overview & Step-by-Step Introduction to Domain & Guiding Questions Domain Rubric Domain Summary Glossary
What Are the Six Domains? Curriculum Assessment Instruction Supportive learning environment Professional development Leadership
Scavenger Hunt Find a partner Using the SST booklet, conduct the scavenger hunt by answering all the questions on the sheet What did you learn?
Curriculum Curriculum- includes five (5) elements focusing on the coordinated alignment of curriculum to Alaskas State Standards & GLEs. Curriculum- includes five (5) elements focusing on the coordinated alignment of curriculum to Alaskas State Standards & GLEs.
Is aligned, relevant curricula under-valued?
What was the process for aligning curriculum with standards & GLEs at your school? What was the process for aligning curriculum with standards & GLEs at your school? How are new curricula & materials aligned to Standards & GLEs on an ongoing basis? How are new curricula & materials aligned to Standards & GLEs on an ongoing basis? What do we do to make sure new staff understand the Alaska Standards & GLEs, and how the curriculum is aligned to them? What do we do to make sure new staff understand the Alaska Standards & GLEs, and how the curriculum is aligned to them?
Examples of Evidence might include: Local Curriculum Documents/Units of Study Local Curriculum Documents/Units of Study Lesson Plans/Curriculum Maps Lesson Plans/Curriculum Maps Professional Development Records Professional Development Records Curriculum Guides Curriculum Guides Scope & Sequence documents Scope & Sequence documents Professional Resource Materials Professional Resource Materials Curriculum Committee Meeting Records Curriculum Committee Meeting Records
Assessment Assessment--includes six (6)elements related to the use of formative and summative assessment and the ways in which this information is used at schoolwide and classroom levels. Assessment--includes six (6)elements related to the use of formative and summative assessment and the ways in which this information is used at schoolwide and classroom levels.
Instruction Instruction--includes eight (8)elements focusing on strategies and methods teachers use to help students, at varied levels, learn at and above grade level expectations. Instruction--includes eight (8)elements focusing on strategies and methods teachers use to help students, at varied levels, learn at and above grade level expectations.
Supportive Learning Environment Supportive Learning Environment- includes eight (8) elements for review focusing on a safe, supportive, and orderly environment conducive to learning. Supportive Learning Environment- includes eight (8) elements for review focusing on a safe, supportive, and orderly environment conducive to learning.
Learning Environment is critical to a schools success
Professional Development Professional Development-- includes seven (7) elements focused on the ways in which staff is supported in their own growth and development with the intention of improving all students learning. Professional Development-- includes seven (7) elements focused on the ways in which staff is supported in their own growth and development with the intention of improving all students learning.
Leadership Leadership--includes ten (10) elements focusing on the ways in which building-level administrative leadership assists and supports staff in improving student academic achievement. Leadership--includes ten (10) elements focusing on the ways in which building-level administrative leadership assists and supports staff in improving student academic achievement.
In summary, what is the SST? Internal review of strengths and limitations as part of school improvement process Internal review of strengths and limitations as part of school improvement process An evidence-based self-study A way to build staff awareness, buy-in and support for improvement efforts The end product is not a score; instead it is the identification of current strengths and limitations
Digging Deeper into the Domains Review the rubric Discuss the guiding questions Locate the evidence necessary to make ratings for each domain Reach consensus on ratings Determine strengths and areas for improvement
Identify a team Establish group norms & agreements: How to work together (one voice at a time, all opinions respected, use of consensus, etc.) Discuss how to reach consensus Decide how often to meet
Examples of group norms one voice at a time all opinions respected start/end on time using consensus to make decisions no side conversations
1. Review the rubrics for each of the elements in the domain considered. 2. Discuss the guiding questions to create common understanding and acknowledge previous work previously accomplished. 3. Locate and review evidence related to the domains.
4. Review evidence needed to make ratings at each level. Write what the evidence is under the ratings on the rubric. 5. As a group, review all ratings and discuss strengths, weaknesses, and how the school can further develop this domain. 6. Share results of the self-study with other staff & greater school community.
Assist stakeholders in understanding issues associated with the domain Assist stakeholders in understanding issues associated with the domain Celebrate success through identified strengths Celebrate success through identified strengths Share what improvement areas were identified Share what improvement areas were identified Talk about ways to strengthen domain area Talk about ways to strengthen domain area
Q & A Can we do this self-study process on our own? Does the self-study help with creation of improvement plans? Is it best to do all the Domain areas at once?
The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year. The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year. John Foster Dulles
Difficulties are just things to overcome, after all. Sir Earnest Shackelton