> 1 APA format for headings Faculty of Health Alan Grace
> 2 Overview What does APA say about headings? What are Styles? Using Styles to put headings in APA format Attend the APA1 class and the WP2 class for more information!
> 3 What does APA say about headings? You are required to present your assignments in APA format- including your headings! The current edition of the Publication Manual is the 5 th Edition APA refers to the American Psychological Association Refer to the Publication Manual for detailed information (see next page) Read the handout about APA headings for more information about APA levels for headingsAPA headings
> 4 What is the Publication manual? The Publication Manual refers to: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 5th ed. Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, Held at: Akoranga - DESK COPY - D PUB Held at: Akoranga - DESK COPY 3 DAY LOAN - DL PUB Held at: Wellesley - NON FICTION BOOK PUB Held at: Wellesley - DESK COPY - D PUB Note that one copy at Akoranga is available for three day loan
> 5 Styles You can use styles to automatically set up the appearance of a paragraph (including Headings in APA)Headings in APA Come to the WP2 class to find out how! -attend the APA class for the overview Shortcut keys to modify headings: Ctrl+Alt+1Heading 1 Ctrl+Alt+2Heading 2 Ctrl+Alt+3Heading 3 To change the appearance of your headings (so that they appear as the appropriate Levels) Click on Format, Style, then Modify (and Apply) each heading You can modify any Style!
> 6 How to use Styles for headings When you write your assignment choose: The Heading 1 style for your main headings (see next page) Heading 2 for your sub headings (of Heading 1) Heading 3 for your sub headings of Heading 2 Heading 4 for any sub headings of Heading 3 Later you will make Headings 1, 2, 3, and 4 look like APA headings
> 7 How to choose the Heading 1 style To choose the Heading 1 style: First click on a main heading (anywhere on the line) Then choose the Heading 1 style from the list. To choose Heading 1: Click on the arrow to the right of ‘Normal’ (or whatever is presently in the box) Then click on Heading 1 Later we will make all the Heading 1 headings look like the required APA level heading We choose Heading 2 for sub headings in the same way
> 8 Making Heading1, 2 etc look like APA Once you have your main headings with Heading 1 style, sub headings (of main headings) as Heading 2, etc you need to make these look like the required APA levels Click on a main Heading 1 heading Click on Format, then Style Heading 1 should be highlighted on the list. Click on Modify. Now click on Format on the next screen. (see next page for more instructions)
> 9 Changing the format for Heading 1 Once you have clicked on Format Choose Font to choose (or get rid of) italics Choose Paragraph to centre or left justify your Headings Note that all your headings should have the same size font as the rest of your text When your main headings (Heading 1) are ok, click on OK, then Apply (at home you can click in the box next to ‘Add to Template’ before you click OK then Apply- what will this do?) Repeat this process to automatically change all your Heading 2 and Heading 3 styles (if any)
> 10 Styles (Summary) Use Styles in Word to automatically set up the appearance of a paragraph (including Headings in APA)Headings in APA Come to the WP2 class to find out how -attend the APA class for the overview Shortcut keys to modify headings: Ctrl+Alt+1Heading 1 Ctrl+Alt+2Heading 2 Ctrl+Alt+3Heading 3 To change the appearance of your headings (so that they appear as the appropriate Levels) Click on Format, Style, then Modify (and Apply) each heading You can modify any Style!
> 11 What if you need to change a Heading? To change a main heading (Heading 1) to a sub heading (Heading 2), Click on the heading then choose the Heading 2 style from the list (or use the shortcut key Ctrl+Alt+2) The appearance of the heading will automatically change Any new heading will automatically look like all the other Heading 1 headings when you choose Heading 1 from the list If you end up having more (or less) levels of sub headings you can change Heading 1, Heading 2,… to make all the headings in your assignment change to appear as required At home you may like to add each change to the (Normal) ‘template’ so that Word remembers your changes in new Word documents.
> 12 This is the End! This presentation will play again until you press the ESC key on the top right of the keyboard! Look on Alan’s web pages under the red Course menu for more information (choose Research/APA) Good luck with your computing!