Gospel Community Life A Visual Guide
ChuckCarrie JoeCharlene Dylan Carleen Random Members Form and become…
ChuckCarrie JoeCharlene DylanCarleen A Gospel Community These are the covenanting members who are the core of the Gospel Community. They meet together as this group at least once a week for fellowship, eating, planning and general family life (rhythms). Within that Gospel Community, there is another division…
DNA Groups These groups are very inward, “each other” focused. DNA stands for Discipleship, Nurture and Accountability. They meet together in these smaller groups, again, aiming for at least once a week. The community group has other Christians who are not covenanting members of the church or the group. Chuck Carrie Joe Charlene Dylan Carleen
Other believers in our lives These people are encouraged to participate in the mission, events and evangelism of the Gospel Community, but they aren’t in the “core” of the group that provides leadership. We want to encourage these to pursue membership in the church and the community group. It would be a great blessing to them and us when we are all formally united in the same vision of church and Christian life. And then there are those whose spiritual condition we are not sure about… Some who have attended but we’re not sure where they are spiritually… And there’s the community beyond – our mission field… Chuck Carrie Joe Charlene Dylan Carleen Alisha Pam Jamin Susan
Chuck Carrie Joe Charlene Dylan Carleen Alisha Pam Jamin Susan Jerry Silverio Elvira Chad Heather Mia Jeff Louis Michelle Family members Coworkers Neighbors Other acquaintances Waiters Customers Inmates Students & Families Firemen Sports Team & Fam. As the body of Christ, manifested in a Gospel Community, we find creative ways to become more involved in their lives. We bless them, celebrate with them, eat with them, learn their stories, listen to them and seek to bring them into the family of God. We intentionally orient our lives to come into more contact with them in natural, meaningful ways. We look for ways to bring them into the Gospel Community. The foremost goal is that they are saved by Christ, and secondly that they are integrated fully into the body. Those we want to reach out to:
As people are saved and join the church and the Gospel Communities, new groups will eventually form, with newly-trained leaders. They will now choose a new covenant and mission, and develop their own schedule of community life. And then, Lord willing… Chuck Carrie Joe Charlene Dylan Carleen Jamin Susan JeffMia AlishaSilverio
Sun Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri Sat Gospel Community Core Group DNA Group Gospel Community & Invitees Church Service & Meal Other