Alaska Comprehensive System of Student Assessment (CSSA) and Testing Accommodations Presentation for New District Test Coordinators, September 2007, Anchorage, Alaska Janet Valentour Alternative & ELP Assessment Program Manager, Department of Education & Early Development
State Accountability Assessments Both federal and state laws require that all students with disabilities be administered assessments intended to hold schools accountable for the academic performance of students. 4 AAC Individualized Education Program (IEP) and 504 team members must actively engage in a planning process that addresses: Assurance of the provision of accommodations to facilitate student access to grade-level instruction and state assessments. 4 AAC (c)
Assurance of Accommodations The Participation Guidelines booklet was created to support Alaska students in state-wide assessments: Students with limited English proficiency Students with disabilities Alaska regulation requires districts and IEP/504 teams to follow the Participation Guidelines when making decision regarding assessment accommodations for students. 4 AAC (a) Returning adults with disabilities also need assurance of accommodations.
Participation Guidelines The Participation Guidelines for Alaska Students in State Assessments is designed to help Alaska fulfill the commitment to include all students in state assessments. The Participation Guidelines booklet is Alaska Regulation 4 AAC (a)
Accommodations Definition: Accommodations are practices and procedures in the areas of timing/scheduling, setting, presentation, and response that provide equitable instructional and assessment access for students. Accommodations should be applied in regular classroom practices as well as state-wide assessments. Alaska statewide assessments which permit accommodations include: TerraNova, Standards Based Assessment (SBA), National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), and High School Graduation Qualifying Examination (HSGQE).
DO NOT BE CONFUSED Accommodation is not the same as modification. Modification is not synonymous to accommodation. Know the difference – Modification – a change in the content, format, and/or administration of a test that alters what the test is designed to measure or the comparability of scores. Generally, a modification makes a test invalid. ( Page 27 in the Participation Guidelines.)
Accommodations Timing/Scheduling Accommodations Increase the allowable length of time to complete a test or assignment and may also change the way the time is organized. (2005, CCSSO) Setting Accommodations Change the location in which a test or assignment is given or the conditions of the assessment setting. (2005, CCSSO) Presentation Accommodations Allow students to access information in ways that do not require them to visually read standard print. These alternate modes of access are auditory, multi-sensory, tactile, and visual. (2005, CCSSO) Response Accommodations Allow students to complete activities, assignments, and assessments in different ways or to solve or organize problems using some type of assistive device or organizer. (2005, CCSSO)
Table 1: LEP Accommodation Accommodations are allowed for LEP students when testing for academic content knowledge and skills, but not when testing for English language proficiency.
LEP Accommodations No LEP accommodations are permitted on the ELP Assessment (IPT). Table 1 lists the only allowable accommodations LEP students may use on statewide content assessments: Standards Based Assessment, HSGQE, and TerraNova. The NAEP has specific LEP accommodations; do not refer to Table 1 for the NAEP.
LEP Accommodations Who makes the decision on LEP accommodations? Teams should include a teacher or administrator, when available, who has specialized training or experience with limited English speaking students and instruction. Once a decision is made, it is necessary and important to document the accommodations in the LEP student's file. As an LEP student makes progress in English, the accommodations should be adjusted.
Table 2: IEP/504 Accommodation Students with disabilities may use appropriate accommodations when taking assessments.
IEP/504 Accommodations Who makes the decision on IEP/504 accommodations? Teams of people (teachers, administrator, etc.) who know the educational needs of the student with disabilities. If a disability interferes with a students ability to demonstrate proficiency on an assessment, the student should be provided with an accommodation. Once a decision is made, it is necessary and important to document the accommodations in the IEP/504 plan.
Table 2: IEP/504 Accommodation What is the appendix?
Table 2: IEP/504 Accommodation Are there more accommodations?
Not exhaustive… What if a student needs manipulates for the math subtest? If the adaptation is not listed on table 2, the IEP/504 team should determine whether it is an accommodation or modification. Refer to page 12 in the Participation Guidelines What did your table group decide? Why?
Working in Groups Take 10 minutes to discuss the remaining comic scenarios and questions. After 10 minutes we will review, discuss, and clarify for understanding the answers to the questions.
I am curious for you to share… How will you organize the accommodations before and on the testing day? How will you receive student information from LEP and IEP/504 teams? How will you document your actions and practices?
Department Support Janet Valentour, Alternative Assessment Program Manager, , Janacie Peters, Assessment Clerk, ,