1 Through the Looking Glass: Special Educators and the Performance Review Cynthia Curran Administrator Teacher Education and Certification Special Education Directors Conference 2007
2 All Initially certified teachers whose beginning certification date is September 1, 2006, and beyond are required to complete the performance review requirement in order to obtain Professional certification.
3 How long do teachers have to meet the requirement? Initially certified teachers must have submitted two performance reviews prior to the end of their second year of certification in order to maintain their certification.
4 Other uses of performance review Another option for obtaining Master certification Can be used to build a HOUSSE under NCLB
5 What does the performance review include? Each performance review consists of a 45 minute videotape of the teachers classroom instruction and the supporting documentation for that instruction.
6 Who scores the performance reviews? Performance reviewers are classroom teachers currently teaching in Alaska who have been extensively trained to score the performance reviews. Special educators will score special education teachers performance reviews.
7 What about confidentiality? EED worked with the Department of Law to insure that special education teachers would be able to participate fully. All teachers should use their districts procedures when completing their performance reviews.
8 How can I help my teachers? Think of the performance review requirement as a professional development activity. Help with equipment needs e.g. microphones. Audio conferences scheduled on these dates: Nov. 2, and Dec 3, 2007.
9 Where can I find more information? The Alaska Teacher Performance Handbook and Scoring Guide are available on the web: Contact Sondra Meredith: