The Voice Direction
(The gospel…God's first voice The gospel…it continues) (What might happen if you Decided to listen hard to God?)
The "eye-roll" He laughs at her…
You can tell the Depth of a relationship By the quality of the communication
What if it were only About me… What I can get from it? When I feel I need something?
"I only need you For advice That I may Or may not take"
God is more interested In relationship with you Than direction for you
If you seek God's will Outside of seeking Jesus You'll find neither
If you seek Jesus You'll find God And his will for you
God speaks: - Word and Prayer - Internal Sense - Other Believers - Circumstances
Always confirms "God saids" and harder roads
God's first communication Who he is His love for you The Gospel
God's continual communication Who he is His love for you The Gospel
To Hear God's Voice 3 Things: Heart Hands Feet
Heart: Pledged to the King My affections, desires= God first
Heart: Pledged to the King Why?
God wants more for us Than we want For ourselves
Us- Satisfaction in things God- Satisfaction in Him So that we can fully enjoy The things to His glory
God knows us better than We know ourselves
God knows more about How we should live Than we do
Heart, Hands, Feet
To hear God's voice Hands= Ready for Action
To hear God's voice Hands= Ready for Action When God leads I follow…immediately
- Because I believe he knows it all - Because I trust that he is good - Because I know his ways are greater
Spiritual Law: Obedience= Love
If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever- the Spirit of truth - John 14:15
When..the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth - John 16:13
Obedience= love - With God, obedience is always in advance
Obedience= love - With God, obedience is always in advance If you show my heart I'll act with my hands
Hey King: "Tell me what you want And I'll decide if I'm willing"
Why would I agree In Advance?
Why would I agree In Advance? - Because I believe he knows it all
Why would I agree In Advance? - Because I trust that he is good
Why would I agree In Advance? - Because I know his ways are greater
Do I want to know God's will So that I can consider it? Or so that I can follow it?
The answer determines whether or not I'll hear from God
Pearls and Swine, Anyone?
2- Living out what God has Already revealed paves the Path to greater revelation
Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things - Matthew 25:23
Sorry about the book…
Sorry about the book Can I borrow your iPad?
God speaks As I follow In Relationship With no "eye rolls"
Obedience yesterday Puts me in the position To hear from God today
His mercies are new Every morning…- God "Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around"- Vanilla Sky
Some believers are on the precipice of what God has for them- and they've been there for months (or longer). Because they refuse to obey in smaller things.
Spiritual Breakthrough is found in trusting God and taking steps of obedience In the places he has Already shown
"Show me the next step And I'll take this one" "Take this one And I'll make the next one clear"
-In advance obedience -Acting on what God has Already shown (Hands)
Heart= Pledge Hands= Hands= Ready for Action Feet= Run to where he speaks
Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed - Luke 5:16
- All night before choosing disciples - All night after losing John the Baptist - Daily during the "normal" times
"I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does…
For the Father loves the Son and shows him (reveals) all he does" - John 5:19-20
God speaks by the Holy Spirit through: The Ancient Scriptures, Prayer Circumstances and the Church
If I want to hear from God I need to put myself In the path of God's voice
An unwillingness to put myself In the path of God's Voice Does not obligate God To use alternate methods To get the message to me
Hunger, Cats and Asthma= Blessing
Heart= Pledged because I trust Hands= Obedient in advance and Obedient to what he's shown Feet= Put myself in the Path of his voice
God wants relationship for you God speaks Can I hear?
Do I honestly believe God Knows more about how I should live Than I do? Is my heart pledged to God's will?
Have I decided to obey in advance Whatever he shows me to do? Am I living out What I've already been shown?
Am I in the path of God's voice?
As a church His Desires In Advance Constantly listening
1 Chapter a Day…
God forced a blessing
For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day” - John 6:40 For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day” - John 6:40