STSM s Short Term Scientific Missions Report, Trieste Meeting Sep.12
Slide 2 of 5 OVERVIEW Inter-laboratory exchange visits to foster collaboration, learn and apply new techniques and methods Main target group: Early Stage Researchers (PhD + 8 years) Approved STSMs funded with max Euro (Early Stage Researchers in STSMs longer than 3 months: max Euro) VALUE: one call per year Fixed amount of annual budget dedicated to STSMs ( Euro in 2012) COST request: “An Action should normally set up at least 4 STSMs per year” (COST Vademecum)
Slide 3 of 5 VALUE STSM Calls in 2012 Please spread the call and consider to hand in an application (there’s a good chance for funding!) − “Deadline” of 7 th September 2012 is no deadline − Applicants do not necessarily have to be a WG member, but home institution should be represented 1 st Call (March 2012, application deadline 15 th April 2012) Several people indicated their interest, but no application received 2 nd Call (May 2012, open deadline) One application so far (Complutense Univ. Madrid -> Univ. Cologne) MC poll yielded 11 : 0(1) votes for transfer of selection process to SG SG decided to fund the STSM (7 : 0 votes) Remaining budget for 2012: about Euro (eq. to 5-6 STSMs)!
Slide 4 of 5 OUTLOOK (open for discussion) Call for 2013 planned to be released in November 2012 (application deadline probably mid-December 2012) More competition expected (several VALUE members indicated their interest for an STSM in 2013) Adjustments to the text of the call and the formal requirements (though official COST requirements have to be met) Should we spread the 2013 call outside of the VALUE community? STSM Manager (Kotlarski currently interim) Decision on STSMs currently by SG. Please raise concerns if there are any.
Thanks …
Slide 6 of 5 1 st Call 2012: Requirements Countries of home and host institution need to be COST countries and need to participate in VALUE Either home or host institution (or both) have to be represented in one (or several) VALUE WGs Min. duration 1 week, max. duration 3 months (ESR: 6 months) Earliest start date 01 June 2012, STSM finished by 31 December 2012 latest Contribution to scientific objectives of VALUE Home institution Host institution Applicant
Slide 7 of 5 Call 2012: Funding details and timeline Approved STSMs funded with max Euro (ESR in STSMs longer than 3 months: max Euro) Grant released upon completion of STSM and submission of scientific report Issued 08 March 2012 Application deadline 15 April 2012, applications must include (1) Cover letter outlining motivation (2) Confirmation letter of host institution (3) Work and budget plan (4) Scientific CV of applicant Decision by MC by 15 May 2012 Applications of ESR handled preferentially Slide 7 of XXX