Building Prayer Life for the Busy Work Professional
Reflect on the 2 images below
Do you ever wish your prayer life can be as simple and joyful? Well, it can! To start with, take a step back and reground yourself in what’s most important…God loves you with an infinite love. He has manifested this love through the gift of His presence in the Eucharist. Why not take advantage of His presence and use it to ground yourself in a fruitful prayer life.
Common Program of Prayer DAILY: Gospel Reflection and personal dialog with Christ WEEKLY: Sunday Mass WEEKLY : Visit to the Blessed Sacrament MONTHLY: Confession TIME PERMIT: Rosary
Building Up Your Prayer Life. Gradually add frequency to the following Gospel Reflection - Daily Mass: Sunday – Twice a week - Daily Visit to the Blessed Sacrament - Once a week - daily Confession – Monthly – Bi-monthly Rosary – One decade daily – 2 decades daily – Full rosary daily
Changing your Attitude with Christ If you are tired---He upholds you---Offer Him your fatigue and ask Him for strength If you are preoccupied---He gives you clarity--- Offer him your thoughts and your confusions If you are suffering or sad---He is your shoulder to cry on---Offer Him your tears If you are frustrated that your prayers are not answered---He asks for your patience---Trust in Him If you are confused ---He has the answers--Listen to his voice If you are joyful- He is the source of your joy- share your gratitude and praise with Him Remember: when you are down to nothing, God is up to something! Faith see the invisible, believe the incredible, and receives the impossible
Final Thoughts Trust in God. Rely on Him for EVERYTHING Live a life of detachment Keep order in your life Relate your trials to those of Jesus and Mary Take the focus off you and put it outwards towards others. Serve others in your path and do things that have meaning Know your strength and weaknesses. Pray for vocations Pray. Prayer is real comfort in hard times. It will give you clarity While praying- smile, hope, and don’t worry. The will of God always takes us to where His grace will protect us