Busywork stinks
Jesus encounters people who are too busy.
Luke 10:38-42
Busyness distracts us
Martha welcomed Jesus “Distracted by much serving”
You might be too busy if you have no time to listen to Jesus.
Busyness leads to whining
“Do you not care?” “Tell her to help me!”
You might be too busy if you whine about life not being fair.
Busyness misplaces priority
“You are anxious and troubled by many things” “Mary has chosen the good portion.”
You might be too busy if you have too many good things going on in your life.
Jesus encounters busy people: Distracted Frustrated Priorities
Small Group: What does this say about sharing the gospel to a busy person? Matthew 13:1-9 Matthew 13:18-23
Restore order in your life
Encounter someone this week. 1.Distracted? – start each day with eternity in mind. 2.Frustrated? – spend time with Jesus 3.Priorities? Fill your life with Jesus, share Jesus.