Marriage Seminar Session three: What is husband’s responsibility?
Discussion What are some of the responsibilities of husband? What are some of the tensions husband facing today in marriage?
Ephesians 5:22-33 Husbands and wives Christ and the Church Head and body
Husband – as head To lead To love
Husband – to lead What is it? Manager, servant What he does? Associate Instruct Be a good example Make decision and delegate responsibilities
Husband – to love your wife What is it? Just as husband loves himself Just as Christ loves the Church What he does? Nourish, cherish, protect, provide, care Christ died for her. His love is unconditional, free, volitional, unending, unselfish, purposeful, sacrificial, manifested.
Common tensions today Lead > Love Love > Lead
Lead > love Dominant, influential, perfectionist, critical, picky, demanding, impatient, lose temper, verbal and emotional abuse, controlling. Impact on marriage – cold, fear, hurting, insecurity, fear of being found fault, pleasing
Love > lead Compromise, avoid conflicts, people pleasing, timid, indecisive, no clear direction/purpose, free-style, can’t lead the family spiritually, emotional handicapped. Impact – confusion in priority and roles, chaotic, frustrated, shattered. Wife takes on leadership role. Husband withdraws. Anger, bitter, resentment and quarrel.
Why is it so difficult? Differences Genders Background: Family's brought up and Culture Personalities - DISC Heart Sin - Pride Idol – power and love
Idols of man Myth – Man supposes to have taken care of everything, as expected by culture and even himself, savior mentality. In reality, he cannot. No one can. He would feel shame and guilty, insecurity and worthless. He fears of failure and rejection. In order to protect himself, or manipulate others, he makes power and love his idols, controlling and pleasing others, to prove himself. Only God can give us the true security and love.
How does the gospel renew our marriage? Not just some principles or example Know the idols of your heart Be transformed by the gospel Be grace-driven Be filled and changed by the Word of God. Bear fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Application Having disagreements Wife is too “dominant!” or smarter than the husband. All her fault! Wife: he never listen!
Application Expressing in our verbal appreciations Showing her that apart from Christ, she has the first place in my life Relationship comes first Sacrificing for her Unconditional forgiveness Facing problem together Spiritual leadership
Applications Reflect with your spouse on your marriage and how may it be change?
Next seminar Communication I Date May 8, 2011