Flexible Scheduling Accommodations for LEP pupils and students with disabilities. Department of Education & Early Development February 2010, District Test Coordinator Training Grace Gray Alternative Assessment Program Manager
Definition and Intent Table 2: Administering the test over several days completing on or before the last day of the test window (must consult with department for security and timing reasons; see appendix for security procedures). Documentation ensures the appropriate process was utilized and security measures are in place; Forms and are required. 2
Intent and Instructions 3 Evidence needed for state review
Intent and Evidence 4 1.review the directions 2.consider the department recommendation 3.Is the evidence/proof available for this accommodation? 4.All documentation submitted to the department no less than five working days prior to testing Form
Evidence is REQUIRED! 5 The ESER can be used for the following: to reference processing speed, to show a students cognitive scores, to show the percentage of accuracy when given flexed time for academic testing, and to provide measureable data from student observations. The PLEP page can provide data to support the statement that the student requires extra days to complete district wide testing. Include data from ESER as well. PLEP: How Disability Impacts Student Learning: Johnnys slow processing speed (see ESER) inhibits his ability to complete tasks in a timely manner. He has been unable to complete assignments and tests in the regular classroom more than 60% of the time in the past 3 months. However, with extra time or additional days and accommodations he was able to successfully complete his work in class or in the resource room. The outcome of his test scores indicate a range of 70 – 80% accuracy as a result.
Evidence is REQUIRED! 6 Student Name Date Classtest/assn/settingOutcome 10/23mathunit assess.Completed in resource rm 11/07mathunit assess.Incomplete 11/28mathcomprehensive examCompleted in resource rm 12/05writingdistrict assessmentIncomplete assessment Completed in two days..(Continue data to show a pattern of behavior.) Johnny was unable to complete any of his math tests in the timeframe given in the classroom. However, he was able to complete them over several days with support in the resource room. He will require extra time to complete tests in the future. Example of data log for student testing in class. A data log can be used as evidence to support the need for a flexible schedule for students with disabilities as well as Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Attach the log to the application. The Goals and Objectives page can also be used to reflect a students need for extra days for testing by providing data on the students current behavior and/or academic objectives. Include observations or logs with this page.
Examples of Evidence Incomplete test results obtained from districts DTC Time sheets indicating prior testing times Documentation in the IEP that states student is not able to complete a test of similar length in one day.* Letter(s) from teachers documenting students need of flexible scheduling.* *example justification statements on next slide. 7
Example of Evidence 8 When the student was given the reading item sampler / practice exam, which is 50% the length of the regular exam, the student took three hours to complete the exam. The performance on the practice test as well as classroom and other assessments indicate this student is on grade level. Due to the students history of testing, as documented in the attached teacher notes, which is a result of the students ED disability the reading assessment should be given over two separate days. (attached notes include history of ED issues that arise due to concentrated lengthy testing that interfere with the student showing true achievement level) Example includes: o Specific data (percentage of time on test and other classroom work) o Students grade level o History of testing with log attached o How disability affects students learning
Evidence is REQUIRED! Johnny has a difficult time staying on task and cannot complete tests in class. He will need a flexible schedule for statewide testing. 9 NOT acceptable documentation: You will need data or evidence to support this statement.
Student Agreement Terms of Agreement The agreement form, containing all three required signatures, must be submitted to the department with completed application. 10 Form #
Plan for Administration IMPORTANT: All subtests must be completed on or before the last day of testing – April 8, 2010 Dates of testing Sections/pages of subtest to be scheduled each day, Example: ½ reading subtest on 04/05/10 and remaining ½ on 04/06/10 11
Security Keeping sections of test previously taken or to be taken secure from being reviewed Paper clips Rubber bands No staples! No tape! 12
Security (cont) Ensuring test is secure during additional days of testing. Where will test be secured? Who has access to this location? 13 Sufficient response? Test materials locked in building test coordinators office. Tests locked in school vault. Only principal and secretary have the key.
Is Your Application Complete? Completed Application Student ID # Proctor Information All necessary signatures Two pages of students IEP Evidence documenting need Terms of Agreement with all signatures 14
Support is Available Kari Quinto, Education Associate II Grace Gray, Alternative Assessment Program Manager,