NANOTECHNOLOGIES AND NANO-SCIENCES, KNOWLEDGE-BASED MULTIFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND NEW PRODUCTION PROCESSES AND DEVICES Priority 3 – NMP in FP6 Ewa Jędryka Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies Unit European Commission Research DG Disclaimer: Note that these slides are not legally binding and do not represent any commitment on behalf of the European Commission
NANOTECHNOLOGIES AND NANO-SCIENCES, KNOWLEDGE-BASED MULTIFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND NEW PRODUCTION PROCESSES AND DEVICES Transition towards knowledge-based society & sustainable development, from resource-based to knowledge-based enterprises Strong impacts aimed at EU level Promotion of real industrial breakthroughs not incremental research Integrated, multidisciplinary and holistic approach SME emphasis Overall approach and objectives of Priority 3
NANOTECHNOLOGIES AND NANO-SCIENCES, KNOWLEDGE-BASED MULTIFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND NEW PRODUCTION PROCESSES AND DEVICES * As in 2004 : “Stage 1” IP proposals are “Incomplete”, i.e: 20 pages strict maximum – Font 12 3 Evaluation criteria: Relevance to call; Potential Impact; S/T Excellence Go/No-go after “Stage 1” Full proposal for “Stage 2” Hearings N.B. – Electronic submission ! NMP calls in 2005
NANOTECHNOLOGIES AND NANO-SCIENCES, KNOWLEDGE-BASED MULTIFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND NEW PRODUCTION PROCESSES AND DEVICES Integrated Projects (IP) Aim: flagship, ambitious, leading to radical innovation and transformation of industry in the long term Strong industrial participation and preferred leadership Clear deliverables - new “knowledge” / new application of existing knowledge… (need for breakthroughs) Positive image of industrial research Include all inter-related activities - ”mini programme” New Instruments
NANOTECHNOLOGIES AND NANO-SCIENCES, KNOWLEDGE-BASED MULTIFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND NEW PRODUCTION PROCESSES AND DEVICES Integrated Projects For SMEs (IP SMEs) Aim: flagship projects leading to long term transformation of industry, involving high-tech SMEs and serving the needs of more traditional, SME-intensive industrial sectors Provide high-tech SMEs with an opportunity to have a leading and decisive role in an Integrated Project. Substantial industrial participation IPs to provide the integrated approach shaped to the needs of identified sectors New Instruments
NANOTECHNOLOGIES AND NANO-SCIENCES, KNOWLEDGE-BASED MULTIFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND NEW PRODUCTION PROCESSES AND DEVICES Traditional Instruments unchanged… Specific Targeted REsearch Projects (STREP) at frontiers of knowledge: support long-term innovation and transformation of industry Coordination Actions (CA) to strengthen links between national, regional and EC RTD projects, co-ordination with EUREKA, COST and ESF actions: CA NE!!! Specific Support Actions (SSA) to prepare future research activities, roadmaps and scenarios, effective communication
NANOTECHNOLOGIES AND NANO-SCIENCES, KNOWLEDGE-BASED MULTIFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND NEW PRODUCTION PROCESSES AND DEVICES Full/short Proposal forms Evaluators Criteria Eligibility Evaluators Criteria Evaluators Criteria Final ranking list Panel with optional Hearings SubmissionConsensus Individual reading Proposals in suggested priority order Rejection list Commission Follow-up Questions Overview Evaluation Process
NANOTECHNOLOGIES AND NANO-SCIENCES, KNOWLEDGE-BASED MULTIFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND NEW PRODUCTION PROCESSES AND DEVICES Role of experts and officials in the evaluation Experts provide individual reports on proposals and defend their opinions in the discussions Officials in teams of two run an evaluation group, having shared responsibilities: As organisers: harmonised procedures As knowledgeable moderators: building the consensus and running discussions As rapporteurs: Writing the CR and ESR
NANOTECHNOLOGIES AND NANO-SCIENCES, KNOWLEDGE-BASED MULTIFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND NEW PRODUCTION PROCESSES AND DEVICES Successful proposal submission Understand the context of the call –Read the call text –Read and understand the part of the work programme linked to the call –Read and use the Guide for Proposers –Read and understand the evaluation criteria –Read the Guidance Notes for Evaluators for the call –All of these can be found on CORDIS (
NANOTECHNOLOGIES AND NANO-SCIENCES, KNOWLEDGE-BASED MULTIFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND NEW PRODUCTION PROCESSES AND DEVICES Successful proposal submission Your proposal: –Is it complete? –Is the partnership right? can we all work together? clear roles responsibilities, critical mass, etc. –Have you understood the purpose of the instruments of FP6? –Does it address all the questions? see Guide for Proposers
NANOTECHNOLOGIES AND NANO-SCIENCES, KNOWLEDGE-BASED MULTIFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND NEW PRODUCTION PROCESSES AND DEVICES Successful proposal submission Your proposal: –Does it address the work programme? check with the call! –Are the objectives clear? Can a non-specialist understand them? –Is the novelty clear? Say why it is novel –Is it clear how the project will be managed? Requires very particular attention in the case of the new instruments (IPs and NoEs) “A picture is worth a thousand words”
NANOTECHNOLOGIES AND NANO-SCIENCES, KNOWLEDGE-BASED MULTIFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND NEW PRODUCTION PROCESSES AND DEVICES Successful proposal submission Common misunderstandings: –Credible NoEs should not involve very large numbers of laboratories Goal is durable integration –IPs do not need to involve very large consortia or budgets They need to be manageable Scope of the problem and the approach proposed are the key factors
NANOTECHNOLOGIES AND NANO-SCIENCES, KNOWLEDGE-BASED MULTIFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND NEW PRODUCTION PROCESSES AND DEVICES Successful proposal submission Common misunderstandings: –STREPs are not small IPs They have a different purpose May be specific requirements for some priorities –NoEs are not large Coordination Actions Their purpose is to change the way people work together
NANOTECHNOLOGIES AND NANO-SCIENCES, KNOWLEDGE-BASED MULTIFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND NEW PRODUCTION PROCESSES AND DEVICES Successful proposal submission Common mistakes: –Not reading the call and work programme Leads to proposals that are out of scope –“Optimistic” reading of the work programme Also leads to proposals that are out of scope Read and understand what is written, not what you hope is written