2013 ICSO-HAROSA International Workshop Network and Mobility Grants. Noemí Castro OSRT, UOC Research and Transfer Support Office 2013 ICSO-HAROSA International Workshop Network and Mobility Grants. Noemí Castro OSRT, UOC Research and Transfer Support Office
From 7th Framework Programme (FP7) to Horizon 2020 (H2020)7th Framework Programme Horizon 2020 H2020 recent agreements (25th June) –3 Key Pillars: Excellent Science Industrial Leadership Societal Challenges – 70.2 bn budget. 7 years programme – Simplified funding model: 100%+25%OH – SME Fully included in the innovation process
People Programme Expected Changes in H2020 –Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) –MSCA included in 1rst Pillar: Excellent Science. –7 or 8% of the total budget for H2020 –Actions will be simplified from 8 to 4: ITN: Innovative Training Networks (Early Stage Researcher) IF: Individual Fellowship (Experienced Researcher) RISE: Research and Innovation Staff Exchange COFUND: cofinancing action for regional, national and international PhD research hiring programmes. –League of European Research Universities (LERU)League of European Research Universities
Innovative Training Networks (ITN) Integration of Industrial doctorates & Joint doctorates (might be integrated from the old Erasmus Mundus ). Early-stage researchers (ESR). The main objective is developing training and skills for a better labor market. Academic and non academic consortium required. Scientific excellence must be combined with innovation approach Next calls: might be in Autumn
From Life Long Learning Programme to Erasmus 4 allLife Long Learning Programme Erasmus 4 all The Erasmus for All programme aims at supporting the European modernization and internationalization agenda in higher education A new Erasmus for All Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) will be needed to apply to any higher education activity under Erasmus for all. The new charter will be valid for the full period and will replace the current Erasmus University Charter that will end with the academic year If you want to apply make sure: –your institution has proceeded with the ECHE application –there are institutional agreements between mobility institutions.
Erasmus Modalities (information based on the last call) Academic and management Staff: – 5 days (120 €*day= 600 €*pax) Students: –Student mobilities for studies (average 110 €*month*pax) –Student training mobilities ( average 300*month*pax) –At least 3 months, up to 12. Complementary grants from national and/or regional Governments might be available. Applicants must apply to the internal Institutional calls. Mobility programmes in Erasmus for All might maintain the same structure as now.
COST ACTIONS Supports European Cooperation in Science and Technology by connecting, networking and increasing the impact of research of high-quality scientific communities Anticipates and complements the activities of the EU Framework Programmes Open call: deadline 27th September key domainsdomains 2 stage call in regular applications New Pilot Actions: Trans Domain Proposals (TDP). One stage proposal.
Key notes: –Promotion of third Countries –Promotion of Early/young researchers –They don’t double grant networks, make sure your idea is NOT already granted. –Possibility of getting involved in existing networks. –Possibility of becoming COST ExpertCOST Expert
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