Making a PCB Report and ppt – presentation 1.)Structure 1.1)Making the PCB 1.2)Assembling a circuit )The components I choose )They functions )The way the circuit works 1.3.)Comparison:the traditional placement - SMT
1.1) Making the PCB 1. The board is covered with copper and photosensitive film. 2. The circuit mask is applied. 3. The board is exposed to light. 4. The unprotected copper is etched away in acid solution. 5. The board surface is cleaned. 6. Holes for the componets are drilled, when surface is dry. 7. All components are soldered on.
1.2.)Assembling a circuit ) The components I choose: Power supply generator Switch Resistor lamp
1.2.2.) They function: AC Power supply gernerator These supply electric current. Switch A switch is used to turn electric current on and off. Resistor Resistors are components that limit the flow of electric current in a cicuit. They are made from carbon or metal. Lamp Lamps are consumers. They gives off light when a current flows through it.
1.2.3.) The way the circuit works This circuit consists of an AC power supply generator, a switch, a resistor and a lamp. The resistor and the switch are connected in series. Both are connected in parallel with the lamp and the AC power supply generator. The hole time the lamp gives light off. When pushing the switch, the lamp becomes ---- because of the resistor
1.3.) Comparison: Traditional placement -the leads of the components must be inserted through holes in the PCB and soldered to the board SMT – Surface Mount Technologie -components can be soldered dirctly onto the surface of the board - both sides of the board can be used because of special miniaturized components saving space, cheaper production, smaller PCB‘s and greater reliability smaller PCB‘s and greater reliability