BACKRIVER TMDL PROJECT Technical Outreach Prepared by MDE/TARSA Prepared for the Baltimore Harbor Stakeholder Advisory Group September 10, 2002
Maryland 303(d) list identification: The impairing substances on the (d) list: Zn Toxics (PCB) Sampling data shows Zn is not a problem in Back River
Data Assessment Data used include: Physiographic data: describe the physical conditions of the watershed Environmental Monitoring Data: identify potential pollutant sources and their contribution, and in-stream water quality monitoring data
Inventory of Data
General Trend for Monitoring to Estimate Loads Timing: Winter – wet and dry (Water and Sediment) Spring – wet and dry (Water and Sediment) Sampling for: Storm Water Outfall/In-stream (NPDES) Point Source Outfall/In-stream (DMR) Stream Water Quality Data (mainstem & tributaries) Boundaries Sediment – Sediment Quality Triad (toxics) Cross Section/Longitudinal
General Trend for Monitoring to Estimate Loads Number of samples At least 1+1(QA/QC) samples per site, per event Substance list Water column sample Total, Dissolved, POC, DOC, TSS Sediment Concentration Total, Dissolved, AVS, SEM, foc Sediment Toxicity/Benthic (toxics)
Modeling PCBs The model and approach to develop the TMDL is influenced by the sources of impairment and type of impairment (PCB). We looked outside traditional sources of water quality data as a new way to tackle a TMDL for potential “legacy pollutants” There are no obvious point or nonpoint sources of the contaminant under the Clean Water Act
Watershed load Estimation Approach 3 methodologies considered: 1. Loads from potential source sites using the universal soil loss equation 2. Estimating loads on a subwatershed basis using flow data and average subwatershed PCB concentration 3. Estimating loads from TSS using SWMM
Toxic Modeling Framework for PCB Framework Under Consideration: BACKTOX model developed by UVA (on-going project) Bioaccumulation approach Biota-Sediment Accumulation Factor
BACKTOX Model 3 different mass balances are represented 1. A water balance 2. A solids balance 3. Contaminants mass balances
BACKTOX Model Cont’d It includes: 1. Hydrodynamic model – CH3D 2. Sediment transport model 3. Fate and transport model – Toxiwasp 4. Also included are sediment layers to account for sediment –water interactions.
BACKTOX Model Cont’d Linkages: Linkage to incorporate the hydrodynamic and sediment transport model results into the fate and transport model Linking the watershed model to the fate and transport model
Bioaccumulation approach Fish tissue levels are compared to the sediment criteria using Biota-Sediment Accumulation Factor (BSAF) Tissue level= Sediment conc. *BSAF*unit conversion Endpoint is based on risk-based PCB fish tissue consumption advisory
TMDL Status Watershed Assessment (Source/Data Assessment) – Completed Nonpoint/point source loads – in progress Endpoint (BSAF) – in progress Hydrodynamic/Sediment Transport Modeling – at final stage Linkage – in progress Toxic model – in progress