However we cannot grab the right of Breathing Food, water and shelter from the people of Sri Lanka We need to protect the health of all Sri Lankans and we need to protect our environment too We also need to achieve sustainable development in Sri Lanka
Populations Taking e-waste as an example……………………..
Some chemicals of concern in E-waste Arsenic PVC Lead Mercury Cadmium Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) Brominated Flame Retardants How do these get into humans? Open burning Open dumping Unsafe handling
Hazardous Waste, Ghana
Implications of e-waste Environmental soil Water air Routes of entry Inhalation Ingestion Dermal contact Transplacental
Sources CFL bulbs, fluorescent tubes Thermometers, sphygmomanometers Amalgam Whitening creams
Fetal Effects of MeHg
Life-Long Effects of MeHg
Iraq Infant - Effects of Mercury
Blindness - Deafness Cerebral Palsy - Seizures Abnormal reflexes & muscle tone Retarded motor development Visual and Auditory Deficits Delayed motor development Altered DRH performance Neurobehavioral Effects
Recycling Lead
"Lead makes the mind give way." Ancient Awareness Greek Dioscerides - 2nd BC
12 Health Effects of Lead Poisoning Anemia High blood pressure Damage to blood cell formation Kidney disease Brain damage Nerve damage Decreased fertility Premature births Miscarriages IQ, Memory, Learning Some health effects of lead poisoning are reversible (such as kidney damage, others are permanent (such as wrist drop).
Increased risk of not graduating from high school (rr 4.8) Poorer reading scores Increased evidence of depression Higher rate of hard drug use Increased risk for attention deficit disorder Increased risk for antisocial behavior Academic & Social Costs Of Lead Exposure
Endocrine disrupting chemicals
Chemicals - EDCs DDT Bisphenol A Polychlorinated biphenyls Polybrominated diphenyl ethers Phthalates