Background. Revelation ‘continuous historic’ anticipation of principles upon which God will manifest His Glory on earth - pours out His judgments to bring the Kingdom. Ch.9 covers period occupied by rise and fall of Saracens, Turks & Eastern Empire, as described by fifth and sixth trumpets. Ottoman Empire reigned supreme until Seventh trumpet sounds - ushers in final events leading to 1000 year reign of Christ.
The Continuous Historic View. God promised a prophetic record. Gives a rational structure. 1:1 “things which must shortly come to pass” suggests a future becoming historical interpretation. Bible readers have identified many events. History fits the symbols.
Mighty Angel - Fully Prepared. 10:1 Cloud-clothed angel descends from heaven with face of sun-like brightness, head encircled with rainbow-like beauty and glory - feet like pillars of fire. Bestrides earth and sea as conqueror - utters shout -lion’s roar universal dominion of Christ & saints. Purpose of overthrow of Roman Empire - not establishment of Ottoman power but preparation for work of this “rainbowed Angel.” Events described - still future to our day.
Multitudinous Rainbowed Angel. 10:1 How can Christ and Saints come “down from heaven?” - there are heavens political and spiritual as well as heavens atmospheric. Saints already in heavenlies in Christ Jesus - not having left the earth! Their life hid with Christ in God (Col.3:3,4). In this sense can truly be said they come down from Heaven with Jesus. Saints then to rule with Jesus - new heavens.
Dominion of Christ Revealed. 10:7 Word “mystery” in is “secret” - nothing mysterious about God’s purpose - scriptures reveal the secret. “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7). 10:2,9 “little book” small in comparison to seven-sealed scroll - covers short period - details seven thunders of 10:4.
Endorsing Judgments of God. 10:9 John commanded to “eat” - to absorb message of book into his thinking. Jeremiah records “Thy words were found, and I did eat them…” (Jer.15:16). When life viewed from God’s standpoint - filled with indignation against godless world - endorse the judgments of God. Where God’s honour at stake, believer must be meek and restrained and leave it to God to avenge in his own way and time.
Future Prospects. 10:11 John told has greater work to perform in the future - must have given great encouragement. Much exciting and challenging work necessary in setting up the Kingdom for all participants. 14:6 Glorified saints, including John, will prophesy, “before many peoples, and nations, and tongues and kings” (v.11) and preach “the Everlasting Gospel”, “to those who will hear”. God gives warning and opportunity before Judgment comes.