The Lord’s Invitation Mt 11:28-30
The Lord’s Invitation Mt 11:28-30 The Lord’s Invitation Mt 11:28-30
The Lord’s Invitation Mt 11:28-30 We Are Invited To Rest v. 28 Spoken to the “weary, heavy laden” Lit. “Those who exhaust themselves” The “rest” promised by Jesus is not a superficial rest, free from challenges Remember His words at Mt 10:34-36
The Lord’s Invitation Mt 11:28-30 We Are Invited To Rest v. 28 The “rest” promised by Jesus is a rest from a lifestyle that produces anxiety, hopelessness People are worn out, tired in trying to find life’s meaning “under the sun” Eccl 1:14, 18 2:18 4:8
The Lord’s Invitation Mt 11:28-30 We Are Invited To Wear A Yoke… Bear A Burden v. 29 A paradox…He just promised rest The question never has been whether or not we would wear a yoke cp. Rom 6:16 The question always has been.. whose yoke and which burden?
The Lord’s Invitation Mt 11:28-30 We Are Invited To Wear A Yoke… Bear A Burden v. 29 Accepting Christ’s way won’t “remove” burdens…it will likely “add” to them Wrestling with put-away habits Col 3:5-10 Contending with enemies compassionately Mt 5:43-45 Rom 12:17-21
The Lord’s Invitation Mt 11:28-30 We Are Invited To Wear A Yoke… Bear A Burden v. 29 Life before coming to Christ is simple, yet “aimless” 1 Pet 1:18 2 Pet 2:12 Unbelievers give no thought to right/wrong Taking up His “yoke” = agreeing to become completely submissive to Him
The Lord’s Invitation Mt 11:28-30 We Are Invited To Learn v. 29 In its totality, His invitation is instructive We are to learn from Him who is “gentle and humble in heart” What of those who claim to be humble? 2 Cor 8:9 Jn 13:4-16 Yet, Jesus truly was meek & gentle
The Lord’s Invitation Mt 11:28-30 We Are Invited To Learn v. 29 In its totality, His invitation is instructive Only when we have learned His will can we find “rest” from all that troubles us Only when we have learned His will can we understand just how “easy” is His burden cp. 1 Jn 5:3
The Lord’s Invitation Mt 11:28-30 We Are Invited To Learn v. 29 All this “learning” can be overwhelming… intimidating to a new convert or someone contemplating becoming Jesus’ disciple All this assembling?? cp. Heb 10:24-25 All those prohibitions??cp. 1 Pet 2:11 Titus 2:11-12
The Lord’s Invitation Mt 11:28-30 Conclusion If you have a Bible & can understand it… you’ve been sent an invitation by Jesus In this life, you’ll only find weariness Jesus seeks to relieve you of these burdens Don’t make light of this invitation Mt 22:5
The Lord’s Invitation Mt 11:28-30