Lesson 4: Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5
. and magnified the majesty of Our God
There is still ONE other serious contender!
But in reality is that the end result?
What does this mean?
The Light… Jesus wants to shine through you
The Mirrored Mountains of Meekness
Moses put away “ self ” to let the Lord lead through him.
What inheritance will our meekness win for others?
Insert video “It Must Be You” by Bart Millard from The Story
“I am the light of the world.” John 8:12 John 8:12
Insert audio of “So Far to Find You” by Casting Crowns on the PREVIOUS slide. Can be obtained from: YouTube (download audio version) From album “Come to The Well” Direct song download from Amazon
Blessed are the meek
And heirs in the Kingdom of God !
And His plan is our inheritance!
Have I walked humbly with my Lord today?Have I walked humbly with my Lord today? Where does God want to lead me today?Where does God want to lead me today? What land will my meekness attain for myself and others?What land will my meekness attain for myself and others?
Is this truly an attitude of meekness??? Or this?