Integrating Environmental Education into the Classroom
Education, Environment and Sustainability “Environmental education aims to integrate concepts and principles of the sciences and social sciences…under a single disciplinary framework.” “In the ecological view, students may come to know and understand that all human environments, societies and cultures are deeply embedded and dependent on natural systems, both for their development and their continued survival.”
Social Studies Integration: IRP Connections Human and Physical Environment … enhance their understanding of natural environments and relationships between people and natural systems. They explore the influence of physical geography and apply their understanding to areas such as resource development, stewardship, and sustainability. Economy and Technology … explore the impact of technological innovation on individuals, society, and the environment. Identity, Society, and Culture Students learn about the characteristics that define self, cultures, and societies, and the similarities and differences within and across cultures over time. Governance Rights and responsibilities of citizenship and the role of participation are examined at community, national, and world levels.
Lesson Ideas for Environmental Education Integration into Social Studies Ecological Footprint Global Water Issue Land Use Plan: Mock Stakeholder Meeting These lessons involve critical thinking, access differentiated learning styles, and promote negotiation and conceptualization. Take your students outside!... Integrate these lessons with Experiential Education. For Environmental Learning and Experience Curriculum Maps go to: This resource provides PLO’s for all grades and subjects that can be connected to environmental education.
Resources that link lesson plans to curricula and PLO’s Eco Kids WWF (Schools for a Living Planet Program) Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup The Environmental Learning & Experience Curriculum Maps Environment &Sustainability across BC’s K-12 curriculahttp:// BCTF BC Ministry of Education Pembina Institute
Schools with Environmental Education Programs Prince of Wales in Vancouver – Trek Outdoor Ed. Nature Kindergarten in Sooke Cloud Forest School Maple Ridge - Environmental School Project -Place- Based, Imaginative and Ecological Education Sea to Sky Outdoor School – Sunshine Coast, BC
Books, Magazines, Videos, Websites The Otesha Book, From Junk to Funk ml ml The Outward Bound Earth Book Green Teacher Magazine Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv Animal Planet Videos David Suzuki Kids
Places That Offer School Programs and Fieldtrips in BC Vancouver Aquarium - School Programs Science World BC – Green Games Contest Parks Canada Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre programs programs LifeCycles Growing Schools Bamfield Marine Science Centre Public Eductation Program
A Survey Assessing Environmental Awareness – Altitude What is your gender? Male Female Do you know a lot about nature and the outdoors? Yes No 2. Pesticides are good because they kill the insects that eat our crops. 1)Strongly Agree 2)Agree 3)Undecided 4)Disagree 5)Strongly Disagree 3. Animals only need food and water to survive. 1)Strongly Agree 2)Agree 3)Undecided 4)Disagree 5)Strongly Disagree 5. When I leave a room, I always leave the lights on. 1)Strongly Agree 2)Agree 3)Undecided 4)Disagree 6. I take my lunch to school in reusable containers. 1)Strongly Agree 2)Agree 3)Undecided 4)Disagree 7. I do not enjoy camping and hiking in the outdoors. 1)Strongly Agree 2)Agree 3)Undecided 4)Disagree 8. I enjoy learning about nature. 1)Strongly Agree 2)Agree 3)Undecided 4)Disagree