Unit11 Shipment 第四组:林彩虹 张孟华 林珊 许双 李春香 Main means of Transportation Trains Trucks Air freight Ships Pipelines Containers.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit11 Shipment 第四组:林彩虹 张孟华 林珊 许双 李春香

Main means of Transportation Trains Trucks Air freight Ships Pipelines Containers

Advantages Drawbacks ① Trains: low in value ② Trucks: direct to the market,quickly ③ Air freight: more effective,very fast ④ Ships: much less expensive,the most important means ⑤ Pipelines: a special form of transportation ⑥ Containers: a highly efficient form,become popular ① must travel great distance ② transport high value goods,travel short distance ③ expensive(food,urgently needed ) ④ a little slower ⑤ being used for gasoline,crude,oil,natural gas,solids

装运须知和装运通知 买方就有关装运货物的具体要求给卖方发出的书面通知,行话里通常叫 做 “ 装运须知 ”(Shipping lnstruction) ,它和 “ 装运通知 ”(Shipping Advice) 的区别在于: 装运须知 : (1) 装运须知 : 指买方装运货物之前对于卖方的装运要求,是买方发给卖方 的信函,指示卖方怎样装运、如何租船订舱,什么时候、在哪里、找 谁装运货物等或提出其它特殊要求; 装运通知 : 指 (2 装运通知 : 指卖方在装运以后发送给买方的报告,是指卖方发给买方的 信函,通知买方有关装船情况的细节,诸如提单号码、货物名称、数 量、载货船舶的名称和航次、集装箱号码、货物的装船日期、预计开 航日期、预计到达日期等。

买方的装运须知 Dear Sirs, We’d like to inform you that the confirmed irrevocable L/C No amounting to $55,000 has been opened through the Bank of China in Shanghai. Upon receipt of the credit, please arrange shipment of the goods ordered by us immediately. We are informed by the local shipping company that S.S. “New Bird” is due to sail from your port to ours on or about 5th August. If possible, please try to ship by that vessel. Should this initial order prove satisfactory to our customers, we assure you that repeat orders in increased quantity will follow. We are awaiting your shipping advice. Yours sincerely,

卖方的装运通知 Dear Sirs, We are pleased to inform you that we have shipped the 8,000 bicycles under your order No. 243 on board s. s. “New Bird”, which sailed from Shanghai yesterday and is due to arrive at Vancouver on or about 9th August. We are enclosing the following shipping documents so that you may have no trouble in taking the delivery: Negotiable clean shipped-on-board ocean bill of lading No. BL6546 marked “Freight Prepaid” Invoice No. IV989 in triplicate Packing list No. 85 in duplicate Insurance certificate No in triplicate Survey report No.3478 in duplicate. We believe the goods will reach you in good order and give you complete satisfaction. Your future orders will continue to receive our careful attention. Yours faithfully,

买方催促卖方装运 Dear Sirs: We refer to the contract no covering 500 dozen track suits. We wish to remind you that we have had no news from you about shipment of the contracted goods. As we mentioned in our last letter, we are in urgent need of the goods and we may be compelled to seek an alternative source of supply. Under the circumstance, it is not possible for us to extend further our letter of credit No. 5673, which expires on 15 August. Please understand how serious and urgent it is for us to resolve this matter. We look forward to receiving your shipping advice within the next seven days. Yours faithfully,

time of shipment Expressions like this: 1) for shipment in October, shipment on or before November 5, ) shipment within 30 days after receipt of the L/C.

port of shipment & port of destination Loading port & Destination : From Chinese port to New York, USA

partial shipments & transshipment 允许分批装运及转船( partial shipments and transshipment allowed) 需要具体说明分几批;从何时开始;是否每批等量装运;按月分批还 是按季度或星期。句型如下: In____ equal monthly installments beginning from ____ weekly lots quarterly Eg. 从 5 月开始分 3 批按月等量装运。 In three equal monthly installments beginning from May.

在某地转船用: with transshipment at_______ Eg 年 5 月在哥本哈根转船 In May 2010 with transshipment at Copenhagen. 不允许分批装运及转船: Partial shipments and transshipment not allowed/permitted Partial shipments and transshipment prohibited

Shipping documents may includes Ocean Bill of Lading 海运提单 Commercial Invoice 商业发票 Insurance Policy 保险单 Certificate of Origin 原产地证书 Certificate of Inspection 检验证书 (Certificate of Quality; Certificate of Quantity) Packing List 装箱单 Weight Memo 重量单;磅码单

Terms Shipping Instruction/ Advice 装运须知 / 通知 Shipping Space 舱位 Shipping/Forwarding Agent 船方代理 FCL (Full Container Load) 整箱货 LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼装货 Bulk cargo 散装货 Freight to Collect 运费待付 Freight Prepaid 运费已付 Shipping Mark 唛头

Carrier 承运人 Consignor 发货人 Consignee 收货人 Container containership 集装箱船 Chartering Ships 租船 Booking shipping space 订舱 Freight Charge 运费 ETA (estimated time of arrival) 估计到达时间

提单种类 Clean, shipped on board B/L 清洁已装船提单 Order B/L 指示提单 Straight B/L 记名提单 Direct B/L 直达提单 Transshipment B/L 转船提单 Through B/L 联运提单

Dear sirs, Contract No.2345 Referring to our previous letters and cables, we wish to call your attention to the fact that up to the present moment no news has come from you about the shipment under the captioned contact. As you have been informed in one of our previous letters, the users are in urgent need of( 急需 ) the goods contracted and are in fact pressing us for assurance of timely delivery. Under the circumstances, we are obliged to ( 被迫 )remind you of this matter once again. As your prompt attention to shipment is most desirable to all parties concerned( 有关各方 ), we hope you will let us have your shipping advice ( 装运通知 )by fax without fail. Yours faithfully,

Shipping Advice(1) Dear Sirs, 30 metric tons Mild Sheet Flat Bars We are now pleased to inform you that we have shipped the above goods on board s.s. “Wuxi” which sails for your port tomorrow. Enclosed please find one set of shipping documents covering this consignment, which comprises: 1. One non-negotiable copy of B/L. 2. Commercial Invoice in duplicate. 3. One copy of Certificate of Quality. 4. One copy of Certificate of Quantity. 5. One copy of Insurance Policy. 6. Weight Memo in duplicate. We are glad to have been able to execute your order as contracted and trust that the goods will reach you in good time to meet your urgent need and that they will turn out to your entire satisfaction. Yours faithfully,

Shipping Advice(2) Dear Sirs, Order No.3979 We are pleased to advise you that above order has now been dispatched. The electric drills are in fifty separate crates marked UMT IND MANILA and numbered 1 to 50. The consignment is on the M.V. Mermaid, which left Shanghai on June 21 and is due in Manila on July 2. We have presented to the Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation our draft for the amount of your letter of credit together with a full set of shipping documents consisting of clean, shipped on board Bill of Lading in triplicate. Certificate of Insurance, Certificate of Origin and our invoice in triplicate. We hope that the drills will prove suitable for your customers’ needs and look forward to receiving your next order. Sincerely yours,

Writing Skills 装船通知函 1 )通知买方合同货物已装船,其内容包括: XX 号订单的订货, XX 号 合同下的货物、信用证号、商品名称、装船数量、船名及起航日期等, 以便买方办理保险(在 FOB 和 CFR 条件下),并准备接货。 2 )并告知已按合同规定随函寄送装运单据副本。 3 )表明希望货物能按时到达,并令客户满意。