PCard Training Logging into the new PCard (PaymentNet) System: www5.paymentnet.com
Log in information URL: www5.paymentnet.com Organization: siu0001 User ID: Your e-ID Pass Phrase (Password): Startup1. The system will ask you to change your password to a different one. Passwords are reset every 90 days. After 5 incorrect attempts the password becomes disabled.
SIUE Contact Information Program Administrators are: Ann Luttrell Dawn East Jeanette Anderson Purchasing, Supporting Services Bldg., Room 1020, P O Box 1012, Edwardsville, IL US Fax number:
PCard Training Reviewing and/or Approving Transactions
PCard Account and Notes Information The Chart of Account (COA) defaults to SIU-COA. The Organization defaults to SIUE – Edwardsville Campus The Departmental Account 1 (DA1) and Departmental Account 2 (DA2) defaults to Default. You will not need to change these defaults. You will need to fill in the Budget Purpose. You will pick the Parent Object (major object line, i.e. Contractual Services, Commodities, etc.) from a pick list. The Object is a further detailed listing down to the minor line. The only object code you are required to utilize is the Not Elsewhere Classified (NEC) Object Code. If you find the object that matches what you have purchased, you may pick that object.
Parent Object Codes AIS Travel AIS Equipment AIS Commodities AIS Contractual Services AIS Operation of Automotive AIS Telecommunication The other Parent Object codes are not utilized by SIUE.
NEC Object Codes Travel – In-State – Payments to Vendors Travel – Out-of-State – Payments to Vendors Equipment – Not Elsewhere Classified Com – Commodities, not Elsewhere Classified Com – Equipment, NEC under CS – Contractual Services, Not Elsewhere Classified Op Auto – Automotive Expenses, Not Elsewhere Classified (USED ONLY BY TRANSPORTATION) Op Auto – Automotive Services, Not Elsewhere Classified (USED ONLY BY TRANSPORTATION) Telecom – Telecommunication Services – Not Elsewhere Classified
JPMC Training Splitting Transactions: Either by Budget Purpose or Object Code
PCard Training Disputing a Transaction
PCard Training Running Queries
JPMC Training Running Reports – Requires WinZip 9.0 or higher
Available PaymentNet Reports Declines Statement of Account Transaction Detail Transaction Detail by Hierarchy Transaction Detail with Accounting Codes and Notes Transaction Detail with Purchase Addendum Transaction Disputes by Hierarchy Transaction Summary Transaction Summary by Hierarchy
Declines Report The Declines report can be used to monitor the occurrences and reasons why cardholders have been declined. The report lists: Decline Code and Reason, Account Name, Account Number, Amount, Date and Time of Decline, Merchant Category Code (MCC), MCC Description, Merchant name, City, State/Province and Merchant Country.
Statement of Account Report The Statement of Account report provides a listing of previous cycle transaction information such as post date, merchant, transaction amount, merchant category code, original amount, exchange rate and tax. The statement also contains, when available, accounting code allocations, transaction notes, custom fields (when applicable) and transaction addendum detail. Cardholder and supervisor signature lines are also included at the bottom of the statement to assist in the review and reconciliation process. This statement is not an official bank billing statement and cannot be used for remittance.
Transaction Detail Report The Transaction Detail report can be used to monitor the purchases for each account. Transactions, as well as line items, are included in this report. Payments are excluded from this report. Subtotals are provided for each account, as well as Grand totals for the entire report. The report lists: account name, account number, transaction ID, transaction date, post date, purchase method, merchant name, merchant city and state, merchant category code, debit amount, credit amount, tax and transaction type.
Transaction Detail by Hierarchy Report The Transaction Detail by Hierarchy report summarizes the number of transactions and total dollar amount for each account and Hierarchy level. Transactions, as well as line items, are included in this report. Payments are excluded from this report. Subtotals are provided for each Hierarchy, as well as Grand totals for the entire report. The report lists: transaction id, transaction date, post date, purchase method, merchant, city, state, merchant category code, debit amount, credit amount, tax and transaction type.
Transaction Detail with Accounting Codes and Notes Report The Transaction Detail with accounting codes and notes report shows a list of Transactions with their Account Codes, Notes and Custom Fields. Transactions, as well as Line Items, are included in this report. Payments are excluded from this report. The report lists Transaction ID, Cardholder Name, Account Number, Purchase Method, Merchant Name, Merchant City, State, Merchant Category Code, Transaction and Post Dates, Transaction Amount, Transaction Type, Tax, Transaction Notes, an Unlimited Number of Account Codes and Transaction Custom Fields.
Transaction Detail with Purchase Addendum Report The Transaction Detail with Purchase Addendum report is used to analyze only transactions with purchasing addendum. The report groups the transactions by cardholder. It displays Transaction Date, Post Date, Merchant Name, Merchant City, Merchant State, MCC, Debit Amount, Credit Amount, Merchant Sales Tax and, if applicable, the Level 3 Data sent by the merchant such as Item Quantity, Item Description, Unit Cost, Line Item Total, Product Code And Unit Of Measure.
Transaction Disputes by Hierarchy Report The Transaction Disputes by Hierarchy report can be used to monitor the status of disputed transactions. The report lists: Account Name, Account Number, Merchant Name, Transaction Date, Transaction Amount, Date Disputed, and Date Resolved.
Transaction Summary Report The Transaction Summary report summarizes the number of transactions and total dollar amount for each account. The report lists: Account Name, Account Number, Number of Debit Transactions and Dollar Amount, Number of Credit Transactions and Dollar Amount, Total Number of Transactions and Dollar Amount. Contents of this report are best viewed in Excel and PDF formats
Transaction Summary by Hierarchy Report The Transaction Summary by Hierarchy report summarizes the number of transactions and total dollar amount for each account by Hierarchy. The report lists: Account name, Account Number, Number of Debit Transactions and Dollar Amount, Number of Credit Transactions and Dollar Amount, Total Number of Transactions and Dollar Amount. Contents of the report are best viewed in Excel and PDF format.