An Electronic Calibration Scheme for Logarithmic CMOS Pixels Bhaskar Choubey, Satoshi Ayoma*, Stephen Otim, Dileepan Joseph**, Steve Collins, University of Oxford, UK *Now with Renessas Technology Corp, Japan ** Now with University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Outline Introduction FPN reduction Techniques High Gain Readouts to reduce effects of gain variations Electronic Calibration Scheme Experimental Results Conclusion
Introduction Limited range of CCDs and CMOS APS Linear high dynamic range pixels require large number of bits with complex circuitry and/or post processing Logarithmic Pixels –Human Eye like response –Encode Contrast Information
Logarithmic Pixel Circuit
Fixed Pattern Noise Device Variations cause Fixed Pattern Noise FPN reduces the contrast sensitivity of the image sensor, resulting in inferior images, compared to linear sensors Joseph and Collins Model of Logarithmic Pixel
FPN Reduction Methods In Pixel Techniques Hot Electron Effects (Ref. Ricquer and others) Gate Voltage Adjustment with feedback (Ref. Loose and others) Off Pixel Technique Subtraction of Uniform Scene Response (Ref. IMS Chips) –Convenience –Error Possibility Off Chip Technique On Chip current source for Double Sampling (Ref. Kavadias and others) –Offset only –Remaining FPN ~ 15 % of one decade response
FPN Reduction Methods Corrected Response Error in Corrected response Equivalent Percentage Error
Electronic Calibration Joseph and Collins used 24 images and an iterative scheme Computation of thee parameters
Circuit Implementation
The Two Readouts ParameterMean/SDSFDiff Amp Offset (V) Mean SD Gain (mV/decade) Mean SD Bias (fA) Mean SD
Residual FPN Pixel Current (A) Residual FPNContrast Sensitivity 3.55e e e e e e e
Comparison of Residual FPN
Conclusion Offset only FPN correction can not produce high quality image. Impact of gain variation can be reduced by having a high gain readout like differential readout. FPN can be reduced to a contrast sensitivity of <2% by electronic calibration scheme, comparable to the human eye.