Chart of Accounts and Specific Budget Codes North Carolina Department of Public Instruction K-12 Programs Title III/ESL Office 2
Chart of Accounts NCDPI Business and Finance Website Attach A: Licensure requirements Personnel – Purpose Code: Title III Lead teacher: – Object Code: Teacher of Records: Ellevation Data Personnel (Office Support per COA) : Added PRC 054 object code 151 added :
Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) LIEP is due for non-Title III subgrantees by December 15, 2014.
Title III Improvement Memo
Monitoring Visits Updates from USED Continue with the same monitoring process until further notice from USED 6
Title III Monitoring 7
Title III Monitoring: Accountability SBE Policy GCS-A-012 Subgrantees receiving Title III funds (LEAs, public charter schools, & consortia) must meet a series of Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) AMAO 1 – Progress AMAO 2 – Proficiency AMAO 3 – AMOs for the LEP Subgroup 8
Title III, Sec. 3122(b)(2) and State Board Policy reference (4) ACCOUNTABILITY- If a State educational agency determines that an eligible entity has failed to meet the annual measurable achievement objectives described in subsection (a) for 4 consecutive years, the agency shall — (A) require such entity to modify the entity's curriculum, program, and method of instruction; Policy Identification Priority: Globally Competitive Students Category: Testing Policy ID Number: GCS-A-012 Sanctions for AMAOs Not Met If the Title III subgrantee has failed to meet the AMAOs for four (4) consecutive years, the State Board of Education shall require the Title III subgrantee to modify its curriculum, program, or method of instruction. 9
Risk Factors Risk factors include but are not limited to: size of subgrantee grant award, percentage of LEP students, program performance based on meeting AMAOs 1 and 2, student subgroup academic performance based on AMOs for LEP students, change in program or leadership, and the length of time since previous onsite monitoring. 10
Timeline 11 AMAO 3 Calculations Risk Factor Analysis Monitoring Schedule
Title III Monitoring Instrument 12
Resources Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, Policy and Program Studies Service Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Circular a-87: EDGAR – (See parts 76 and 80 in particular) Office for Civil Rights, ELL Resources