Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS January 7, MSR Tutorial John DeHart Washington University, Applied Research Lab MSR Tutorial: Notes from Day 1, MSR Code Release and Future Efforts
2 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart January 7, MSR Tutorial Program Notes Our Grant ends this June One last “Workshop” in early June –Any suggestions for what it should be like? Summary talks from Kits Participants Summary talks from us Tutorials What would be most useful for you?
3 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart January 7, MSR Tutorial Tutorial Notes Slides will be available on the Kits Web pg. – –look in Workshop 1/2002 link the slides aren’t there yet, try at the end of the week. TUTORIAL directory: –will be included in the CVS release of msr –in its original form –if you have anything you did that you want to save, ftp it back to your site today.
4 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart January 7, MSR Tutorial Notes from Day 1 Exercises Download problems: –Download fails regularly right after reset POSSIBLE REASON FOUND: –There was a problem with reset in Stage1 of the AAL5 downloader. It is being fixed now and will be available in the next release (00B) check /proc/net/atm/wuapic* for driver state possibly a timing problem possibly one SPC taking longer to reset (seems unlikely) –Download returns lots of errors but completes and seems to be ok: POSSIBLE REASON FOUND: –Turns out that at least one of the switches involved in the Tutorial was generating parity errors. So, there would have been dropped cells. The good news is that AAL5_download was able to robustly function in this environment! check /proc/net/atm/wuapic* for driver state possibly a pacing problem and some cells are lost on the download to SPC –fix by slowing down the VCI pacing for downloads
5 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart January 7, MSR Tutorial Notes from Day 1 Exercises (cont’d) AAL5Generator: –deak would not run it. malloc error FIXED: notest gave path to Linux executable instead of NetBSD executable. –when you leave a generator running and then re-run the download, the kernel crashes during boot: During boot when we get to the point of turning on the VCIs the kernel gets swamped with interrupts and there is probably something uninitialized causing us to crash. We are looking at leaving the data VCIs turned off until the initialization phase is run.
6 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart January 7, MSR Tutorial Notes from Day 1 Exercises (cont’d) newGBNSC: –Burns up the CPU when you give it too small a sampling period. at least I think this was the cause of the problem we should put a bound on this in the newGBNSC javaGUI: –drag and drop –switch between cells per second and Mb/sec –Zoom in with selection have to be inside the axes to draw the selection box then click in the box to make the selection Kernel hangs around time of starting init –no clues on this one yet. anything else??
7 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart January 7, MSR Tutorial Code Release Release via CVS –let me know if your group does not have a cvs account set up with us –should I resend the CVS usage instructions? Same wu_arl source tree –additional sub-directories to be included New release to be announced shortly. –we’ll out the release tag Schedule –We have a few bugs to fix based on some things we have learned in the last couple of days. –Release should occur by the end of this week Watch for to the kits mailing list!!!
8 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart January 7, MSR Tutorial Near Term Future Efforts SPC II –board might go out to fab next week. FPX Integration MSR CP Expansion –Elimination of dependency on shell scripts –Routing protocol support Distributed Queueing –another round of testing DRR and WV –demonstration of the WaveVideo active application on the MSR Support dynamic and remote loading of Plugins
9 Washington WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST LOUIS John DeHart January 7, MSR Tutorial Near Term Future Efforts Gigabit Ethernet Interface –board probably out to fab in early February. Light weight flow setup protocol Binding of plugins to exact match filters –needs to be tested and verified Simple timeout mechanism for flushing cached flow and route entries. Restructure buffer management so we can source and sink packets within plugins. Wow, we’re going to be busy…