EUROPEAN TERRITORIAL MONITORING SYSTEM Semester Facts & Figures Annual Territorial Monitoring Report PUBLICATIONS Policy Briefs from ESPON Projects - Agglomeration.


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Presentation transcript:

EUROPEAN TERRITORIAL MONITORING SYSTEM Semester Facts & Figures Annual Territorial Monitoring Report PUBLICATIONS Policy Briefs from ESPON Projects - Agglomeration economies - CAEE - Economic Crisis – ECR2 - Convergence regions - SURE - Cross-border development - ULYSSES more... NEWSForecoming events... Reference Monitoring Systems - World Monitoring Systems - Sectoral Monitoring Reports - Think Tanks’ Analyses - Opinion Makers’ Analyses more... 5 December “Europe’s Neighbourhood from a Territorial Perspective”. ESPON Internal Seminar 2012 in Cyprus To further explore the neighbourhood dimension of European territorial development, ESPON organised a seminar in Cyprus in cooperation with the Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The seminar theme was “Territorial Development Opportunities in Europe and its neighbourhood to Foster Global Competitiveness” 24 April nd EU Seminar on sustainable Urban-Rural partnerships. Building urban rural partnerships in future European development programmes. The EU Parliament and the Council would like to see a reinforcement of urban-rural linkages in the current negotiations over the future Cohesion Policy. Data Mapper Plot, compare and import data from European regions Home Mission Events Subscribe Contact Programme Press 2 February Declaration from all EU capital city mayors: Launch of new dialogue with EC on Europe's recovery EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn, hosted the first direct talks between the European Commission and the EU's capital cities 15 May ESPON Workshop “Stepping into the Sea” Increasing opportunities for human use of the sea are set alongside growing realisation of the complexity of land-sea interactions and an awareness of the risks that the new focus on marine areas pose. TOOLS WHAT’S GOING ON? Latest Territorial News FORUM Maps of the Month Territorial Observations - Regions and cities in the Global economy (n6) - Creative Workforce (n5) - Internet Roll-out (n4) - Economic performance European regions (n4) more February ESPON TANGO Project Workshop The ESPON TANGO team invites decision-makers, practitioners and policy-makers involved in territorial development to the workshop "Towards Better Territorial Governance" in Brussels. 1 March An agenda for new skills and jobs: Regions and cities contributing to active labour market policies. The EU Committee of the Regions will hold a conference in Dublin on the Europe 2020 flagship initiative "an agenda for new skills and jobs" and its regional and local impact. Being part of series of seven conferences on all flagship initiatives. 3 December URBACT Annual Conference 2012 “Cities of Tomorrow: Action Today” The conference is built on the European Commission’s report "Cities of tomorrow – Challenges, visions, ways forward" (October 2011), which highlighted many of the major challenges that hundreds of cities in URBACT projects were trying to solve through sustainable urban development. Six parallel workshop sessions will be organised covering main challenges facing EU cities. Map Finder Find a map in the ESPON library DATABASE Tools - ESPON Database - Data Navigator - Urban Benchmarking Tool - OLAP Cube - Map Finder - HyperAtlas - Online Mapping Tool 27 November st Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. This first Annual Forum after the launching of the Strategy in 2011 will provide a framework to discuss on the state WHAT IS YOUR OPINION? Latest Territorial Debates MCRIT, version 0.1 (March 25th 2013)

EUROPEAN TERRITORIAL MONITORING SYSTEM Semestral Facts & Figures - Regions in the Global economy (jul-des 2012) - Creative Workforce (jan-june 2012) - Internet Roll-out (jul-des 2011) - Economic performance (jan-june 2011) more... Annual Territorial Monitoring Report report « » report « » PUBLICATIONS - Agglomeration economies - CAEE - Economic Crisis – ECR2 - Convergence regions - SURE - Cross-border development - ULYSSES more... WHAT’S GOING ON?CURRENT POLICY DEBATE Home Mission Subscribe Contact ESPON TOOLS Programme Press LATEST TERRITORIAL NEWS EVENTS FORTHCOMING EVENTS MCRIT, version 0.2 (March 28th 2013) Data Mapper Plot, compare and import data from European regions GET THE FACTS Map Finder Find a map in the ESPON library Policy Briefs by Territories CONTACT - Regions - Cities - Specific areas - Macro-regios - Neighboring regions - Rest of the World Policy Briefs by Themes